响,发音越来越趋向于平民化。语言专家对女王发音的研究表明,1977年,女王的元音发音有细微改变,而在20世纪80至90年代有了大幅度的变化。到2005年,女王原来清晰、贵族式的发音已明显消失。专家认为,女王并非故意调整自己的发音,而是她跟随潮流,与英国东南部居民一起,无意识地改变了自己的发音。在继位之初,她可能不会经常接触平民,随着后来她的交际圈子越来越大,接触各种政客、组织成员和平民百姓,她每 ……
在英国,由于不同地域的口音不同,人们可以依据一个人的口音迅速辨认出对方的成长地,甚至社会阶层. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世的口音就被称为“女王英语”(Queen's. English),即英国上流社会的标准英语. 然而,英国《每日邮报》近日公布的一项最新研究结果显示,如今伊丽莎白二世的“女王英语”中却夹杂了一些社会阶层相对较低者的口音——“伦敦音”(cockney). ……
HE is a priest (神父) from the UK. He doesn’t look smart. He looks just like an ordinary1 person. ……
XINHUAXINHUA神十六发射,平民专家首出征神十六发射,平民专家首出征Professor and engineer join the Shenzhou XVI mission, ushering in a new era PAGE 6Professor and engineer join the Shenzhou XVI mission, ushering in a new era ……
主义(Populism),也称为平民主义,其基本精神是以维护平民的利益为由而反对权威,为此不惜采用任何手段。 21st ……
China平民消防员civilian firefighterBeijing has chosen its first 682 civilian firefighters, who were... firefighters has started to work.Civilian表示“平民的”,比如civilian construction (民用建筑),civilian clothes (便服 ……
.---------------------------------------sighting 观测apparent 貌似的civillian 平民的 ……
韩国部队锅 —— 简便又划算的平民美食。Budae-jjigae may be the most liked hot pot in South Korea. Budae-jjigae means army-base stew (部队锅). More than 60 years ago, South Korean soldiers (士兵) first made it. They made ……
神舟十六号成功发射,平民专家首次出征神舟十六号成功发射,平民专家首次出征词数 160 建议阅读时间 3分钟词数 160 建议...’s science payload specialist (载荷专家), Gui is the first civilian (平民) in China on a spaceflight ……
(招聘) 682 civilian (平民) firefighters, reported Beijing Morning Post. Eighty percent of them ……
是“打骂、伤害身体的虐待”,用在此处不恰当。everyday hero 平民英雄A bus driver who died protecting his passengers has been hailed... safely. He then collapsed, and died on Friday in hospital. “平民英雄”是everyday hero或者folk hero。Everyday作形 ……
China平民消防员civilian firefighterBeijing has chosen its first civilian firefighters, who were... has started to work.Civilian表示“平民的”,比如civilian clothes (便服)以及 civilian construction (民用建筑)。无现 ……
SpaceX平民宇航员四人组成功返航。 SpaceX平民宇航员四人组成功返航。 Meet the world’s first all-amateur (全业余的) team of astronauts (宇航员) – Inspiration 4! On Sept 15, SpaceX sent the team into space with its ……
astronaut (平民航天员) as well as the first payload specialist (载荷专家) to go into space. His story is very encouraging. Gui Haichao has broken new ground as the first Chinese civilian astronaut (平民 ……
首次商业太空行走,新型航天服闪亮登场人类首次商业太空行走,新型航天服闪亮登场Here come the four people for the first civilian (平民....Here come the four people for the first civilian (平民) spacewalk by US company SpaceX: a billionaire ……