Learn to rise againIt is not always easy to discover yourself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I would become – but an accident changed everything. To me, skating was more important than anything else in the world. ……
Teacher: Is everybody here today?Student: No.Teacher: Who isn't here? Please stand up.谁没有到啊?老师:今天大家都到了吗?学生:没有。老师:谁没有到啊?请站起来! ……
世界上最大的汪星人,它站起来跟姚明差不多高。Take one look at Freddy the dog, and you would say “wow!” Freddy is a Great Dane. He is the world’s biggest dog. He stands at 2.2 meters on his hind (后部的) legs. He weighs 92kg ……
the opportunity in every difficulty.By Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965, former British Prime Minister)• 人不仅需要勇气站起来 ……
time travel:"If you don'tstraighten up(站起来), I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week ……
牙齿,她也不能站起来。我要是她,我也会哭的。 ……
up off the ground, she had a grimace on her face.她摔倒了,从地上站起来,装出满脸痛苦的样子。guffaw: 哄笑,狂笑Some people.... During the professor’s lecture, a student let out a guffaw. 老师还在上课,一个学生忽然大笑起来。howl: 狂笑,大笑 ……
我自己把它咬开了。”第三只老鼠站起来说:“我要走了,捉猫去了。” ……
摘自: Jokes[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
中考词汇stand for 代表,象征用法:stand for freedom 代表和平。由stand构成的其它短语:stand up 起立,站起来;stand by 袖手旁观,支持。What does UNESCO stand for?take place 发生,举行用法:take place和happen都没有被动语态,前者通常强调有计划地发生、举行,后者侧重偶然发生。When ……
the dough into a ball.释义:难道你没看见每次他摔倒的时候都勇敢地站起来了吗?短语:each time 每次,引导时间状语从句。He brings me gifts each time he visits.释义:那才是真正的勇气。Share your thoughts什么才是真正的勇气?这个故事给了我们最好的诠释:真正的勇气就是面临困难、面对失败的时候,依然能够坚强地站起来。 ……
社)“百年恰是风华正茂。” (新华社)今年7月1日,中国共产党将迎来百年华诞。100年来,中国共产党带领全国各族人民浴血奋斗,发愤图强,中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来...节目黄金时间播出。) Judy is in the bloom of youth. (朱迪正当青春年少。)今年7月1日,中国共产党将迎来百年华诞。100年来,中国共产党带领全国各族人民浴血奋斗,发愤图强,中华民族迎来了从站起来 ……
wanna try even though I could failI wanna try even though I could fail鸟儿不只是飞,它们会跌倒并站起来鸟儿不只是飞,它们会跌倒并站起来 ……
面意思是“站起来,掸掉灰尘”,实际的意思是try again and not give up in the face of failure,即:在面对失败时再次尝试不放弃。2010年南... off. 现学现用:在球场上,正在比赛的Peter向教练紧急报告说他的腿很疼,教练鼓励他说:“振作起来!回到球场!这场比赛我们得赢!”Peter: Coach, my leg really hurts ……
the wind blows, as shadows grow close don’t be afraid There’s nothing you can’t face 我能走过滂沱大雨我能靠自己重新站起来 ……
与新中国同时诞生的中国外文出版发行事业局是新中国历史最悠久、规模最大的综合性专业对外传播机构。70年来,中国外文局用40余种文字在全世界累计发行了8万余种、18.7亿册书刊杂志,成为沟通中外的重要桥梁。中国外文局的70年是与新中国同呼吸共命运的70年,是见证中华民族从“站起来” “富起来”到“强起来”的70年。1949年成立之初,中国外文局一年出版的图书只有8种,而今天中国外文局每年以40余种 ……