“程门立雪”告诉你古人是怎样尊敬师长的。词数 237 测试见7版建议阅读时间 7分钟YANG Shi was a famous scholar (学者) during the Song Dynasty of ancient (古代的) China. One day he went to visit his teacher Cheng Yi. When he arrived Cheng had ……
touguang (凿壁偷光), wenji qiwu (闻鸡起舞) and chengmen lixue (程门立雪). Although the stories behind them... xuanliang cigu (悬梁刺股), zaobi touguang (凿壁偷光), wenji qiwu (闻鸡起舞) and chengmen lixue (程门立雪). Although ……