的知识底蕴有利于形成地道的语言表达,所以,教师应尽量引导学生多背诵好文章。总之,英语教学中两极分化的现象由来已久,完全消除“学困生”是不可能的。但如果教师能认真分析原因,采取有效措施,逐步 ……
局日前提交给立法会教育事务委员会的文件显示,自教统局在2005至2006学年采取部分挽留措施后,中小学外籍英语教师的约满离任比率均有所下降(详见附表)。据了解,教统局曾就小学外籍英语教师计划成效作出初步评估,发现...宽了外籍英语教师同行配偶申请工作签证的规定,成功吸引了有关外籍教师继续留港工作。香港英语促进学会名誉会长利国杰表示,外籍英语教师计划自实施以来,尚未能够达到预期效果。利国杰认为,教统局及校方必须采取一些措施 ……
保障考生的考试需求。并且,托福官方还在微博、微信等平台发布问卷,就受疫情影响的考试转退考操作答疑、托福针对疫情采取的相关措施、托福改革新政全面解读等考生最关心的话题进行调研,后续将针对相关话题陆续进行答疑解惑和措施...疫情影响的考试转退考操作答疑、托福针对疫情采取的相关措施、托福改革新政全面解读等考生最关心的话题进行调研,后续将针对相关话题陆续进行答疑解惑和措施解决。除了调整恢复考试后的工作,雅思 ……
策略性知识是“学习者用来调控其学习和认知活动的程序性知识和智力技能,其目标是更有效地获取新知识和运用已有的知识来解决问题”. 策略性失误指学习者在获取新知识或解决问题过程中因所运用的调控方法不当而造成的获知困难或问题解决困难. ……
汤红梅汤红梅Passage 1Passage 1No one likes heatwaves. They bring extremely hot days that can be bad for people and the environment. Heatwaves come and go. ……
辽宁省大连市七十九中学 刘舒;Teens 中考研究小组辽宁省大连市七十九中学 刘舒;Teens 中考研究小组Passage 1 Passage 1 Strong earthquakes struck Turkiye and Syria in the early hours of Feb 6, 2023, causing terrible damage. About nine hours after the first 7. 8-magnitude quake, a second 7. ……
Slip, slop, slap 即“套上(slip)T恤,涂上(slop)防晒霜,扣上(slap)帽子”,是在澳大利亚的一项全民健康运动,呼吁人们在强烈的日光照射下实行保护措施,以减少患上皮肤癌的几率。 ……
果断措施A bomb dropped by a Myanmar warplane in Lincang, Yunnan killed five villagers and wounded eight others on March 13, Xinhua reported. China has urged Myanmar, which borders Yunnan, to punish ……
in a more optimal way。动词-ing短语leading to …作后置定语,修饰intervention。句意为:以更理想的方式重新编排课程表不需要投入额外的资源,也是一种经济实惠的干预措施,该措施能够提高学生的学习成绩。 ……
*emissions and lack of rainfall are blamed for the smog. “限行措施”也可说driving restrictions。而scheme在这 ……
果断措施Three people were killed and 79 injured in a terrorist attack at the South Railway Station of Urumqi, Xinjiang on April 30, Xinhua reported. Sedierding Shawuti, 39, from Shaya county in Xinjiang ……
screening measures安检措施The US and Canada have announced stepped-up airport screening measures to look for passengers carrying Ebola, as the virus began to spread to the US and Europe, AFP reported ……
, the explosions at Brussels airport were carried out by a suicide bomber.Lockdown在这里指出于安全因素采取“隔离”措施,类似 ……
in China also provide incentives (激励措施) to those who want to start their own businesses. TEENS ……
and the city’s government announced measures (措施) to try to clean up the air. All building work ……