近日,哈珀柯林斯集团成立了一家新的科幻小说出版社——安格里罗伯特(Angry Robot)出版社。据悉,该出版社将主打国际市场,通过向顾客直销和书店零售两种方式拓展业务,首本图书将于2009年7月出版。哈珀柯林斯表示,该出版社每月将出版两种新书,随着业务的发展,每月出书品种在三种左右,主要是平装本的科幻小说,如有可能,出版社也会制作限量版和精装本或豪华本图书。哈珀 ……
奖在年度宴会上颁发。轨迹奖还给获奖作品的出版商颁发奖励证书。英国科幻小说协会奖(The British Science Fiction Association Aw ards)由英国科幻协会设立,专门颁发给英国科幻作家,下设最佳长篇小说、最佳短篇小说、最佳美术三个奖项。每年评审一次,获奖作品由英国科幻小说协会成员投票决定。阿波罗大奖(The Prix Apollo Awards)为纪念阿波罗11号登月,1971年由 ……
今年春节,电影《流浪地球》火了!这部改编自刘慈欣同名科幻小说,由郭帆导演,吴京、屈楚萧、李光洁等出演的科幻冒险电影获得口碑与票房双丰收,成为中国电影市场和中国科幻电影史上的一部现象级大片。《人民...,春节期间, 《流浪地球》小说卖出十余万册,刘慈欣最著名的代表作——《三体》更是高居销售榜单榜首。京东数据显示,2019年科幻小说销售前5名中,刘慈欣的作品独占4席,其中《流浪地球》大年 ……
研究表明阅读科幻小说可能引发噩梦DIFFERENT reading habits can influence people's dreams, and children are more.... They also found that people who love science fiction (科幻小说) books are more likely to have bad dreams. ……
狗狗变身科幻英雄。THIS dog looks cool! The owner Sabrina Ridlon loves dressing it up as characters in science fictions (科幻小说) . The dog wears clothes from Star Wars (星球大战) and Batman (蝙蝠侠). 21ST ……
detectors have been fitted at Shenzhen.Sci-fi crazy in US富翁拟建科幻小说博物馆AScience Fiction(科幻小说) Experience museum ……
我们的科幻小说出版啦!A boy sees a movie, then he gets super powers (超能力). What will he do? A planet... (《梦想的天空分外蓝》). It is a science fiction (科幻小说) book with 260,000 words. Forty-five students in a class ……
in theory.HELPscience fiction: 科幻小说in the blink of an eye: 眨眼间original adj. 原来的,原先的perfect adj. 完全的PhD: Doctor of Philosophy, 博士HELPHELPHELPscience fiction: 科幻小说in the blink of an eye: 眨眼间original adj. 原来 ……
it with machines there is a whole lot we can do," he said.HELPimplant v. 植入sci-fi n. science fiction的简写,科幻小说upgrade v. 升级respond v. 回答,响应switch on: 接通HELPHELPHELPimplant v. 植入sci-fi n. science fiction的简写,科幻小说upgrade ……
我在未来城市漫游XiaoLingtong Wandering Future 《小灵通漫游未来》 is my favorite science fiction (科幻小说) book. A boy goes to Future City. His name is XiaoLingtong. In Future City, people ride flying bikes. The bikes ……
科幻故事让我着迷I have lots of hobbies. Reading is my best one. My favorite book is The Three Body Problem. It is a science fiction (科幻小说). The famous Chinese novel author (作家), Liu Cixin, wrote the book ……
Release date: Feb 26, 2018 (US)This is the third movie in the Maze Runner series. The movies are based on three science fiction (科幻小说) books. US author James Dasher wrote the books.In the first two ……
科幻小说家刘慈欣获得想象力奖。On Nov 9, Chinese science fiction (科幻) writer Liu Cixin, 55, won the Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society (克拉克想象力服务社会奖) in Washington DC, US. This award is given ……
科幻小说家刘慈欣获得想象力奖。On Nov 9, Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin, 55, received the Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society (克拉克想象力服务社会奖), which celebrates the world’s most creative people ……
美国科幻出版社Tor近日在其官网上宣布,将在今年出版中国著名科幻小说作家刘慈欣的短篇小说英文版,取名为“To Hold Up the Sky ”(暂译名《擎天》)。该短篇集选取了10篇刘慈欣的经典科幻短篇,分别为《坍缩》《全频带阻塞干扰》《乡村教师》《地火》《时间移民》《欢乐颂》《诗云》《镜子》《梦之海》和《思想者》。美国科幻出版社Tor近日在其官网上宣布,将在今年出版中国著名科幻小说作家刘慈欣的短篇小说 ……