,涵盖哲学、政治学、法学、社会学、教育学、历史学、地理学、经济学、管理学、语言学、文学艺术理论等学科。“汉译世界学术名著丛书”第二十一辑专家论证会近日在商务印书馆举办。“十四五”期间,“汉译名著”将规划至第二十二辑1000种,涵盖哲学、政治学、法学、社会学、教育学、历史学、地理学、经济学、管理学、语言学、文学 ……
, such as economics (经济学), psychology (心理学) and sociology (社会学). And that’s just one example...学) and sociology (社会学). And that’s just one example. What about problems like plastic pollution ……
areas, such as economics (经济学), psychology (心理学) and sociology (社会学). And that’s just one...学), psychology (心理学) and sociology (社会学). And that’s just one example. What about problems like ……
areas, such as economics (经济学), psychology (心理学) and sociology (社会学). And that’s just one...学), psychology (心理学) and sociology (社会学). And that’s just one example. What about problems ……
insight (见解) from artists, psychologists, historians and sociologists (社会学家) – in other words... insight (见解) from artists, psychologists, historians and sociologists (社会学家) – in other words ……
website. Paul Hanel, a sociologist (社会学家) at the University of Essex, UK, did this study.... Then they had debates again. Paul Hanel, a sociologist (社会学家) at the University of Essex, UK, did ……
am interested in both medicine and sociology (社会学), and I recently discovered there is a university... and sociology (社会学), and I recently discovered there is a university major called social medicine ……
in both medicine and sociology (社会学), and I recently discovered there is a university major called... (社会学), and I recently discovered there is a university major called social medicine. I’d like ……
) a new subject called psychohistory (心理历史学). He uses math, sociology (社会学) and history to predict... (发展) a new subject called psychohistory (心理历史学). He uses math, sociology (社会学) and history to predict ……
sociology: 社会学unprecedented: 前所未有的 ……
科学发展和文献资源建设需要而设立的公共服务项目。CASHL从美国的社会科学引文索引和艺术与人文科学索引中汇总出近3000种文科外文核心刊,学科涵盖经济/商业/管理、政治、法律、文学、语言/文字、历史、社会学、社会科学、艺术、教育...据悉,教育部社科司与中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(CASHL:China Academic Humanities and Social Science Library)近日在北京大学启动了CASHL ……
in the family."---------------------------------------hurdle 障碍sociology 社会学sacrifice 牺牲unit 单位 ……
n. 社会学Key: BBD ……
随着全球制造业的进一步发展,国内国际市场对应用型高级技工人才的需求与日俱增,职业教育逐渐受到越来越多学生的青睐。将于本月15日至17日在北京举办的2010中国国际教育年会将聚焦《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,邀请国内外专家、知名社会学者和政府官员围绕国际教育热点发表演讲,国际职业教育也将成为重点话题之一。据了解,英、美、澳、日等国均拥有较为发达的职业教育体系,其职业技术院校在硬件设施、教学 ……
and feeling. Single-sex schools would simply be too limiting.Sun Jing: Some sociologists (社会学家) find ……