odds and ends零碎东西,零星杂物。Odds and sods表示“小人物,无价值的东西”。Mary turned out the drawers, but still couldn’t find her keys among the odds and ends. 玛丽翻遍了抽屉,还是没能从一堆零碎东西中找出她的钥匙来。 ……
You are going to clean your house. What do you throw away first?A: Old clothes.B: Old electronic appliances (电器).C: Odds and ends (杂物).D: Out-of-date magazines.A: You make a lot of money, but you don ……
测测你的消费习惯。You are going to clean your house. What do you throw away first?*This mind test is just for fun. Don't take it seriously.A: Old clothesB: Old electronic appliances (电器)C: Odds and ends (杂物)D ……
这个习惯用语跟食物有关,如果喝汤之前把里面的骨头等杂物都先挑出来,喝起来就很通畅。引申过来该习惯用语的意思就是“毫不掩饰,直率地表示自己的意见”。现学现用:你和同学Mike正在一家餐馆用餐。Mike说你似乎不太喜欢你的菜,你说 ……
in return for a small fee; and bagginggroceries(杂物) at local supermarkets.As for spending habits, most ……
This project recycles pieces of ordinary paper into a decorative catchall (装零杂物品的容器) for your desk. Now let's learn about the art of papermaking step by step.You will need■ Construction paper (绘籠-纸 ……
and found 失物招领处Luggage depository 行李存放处Hands off 请勿用手摸Do not litter 勿乱扔杂物For use only in case of fire 火警 ……
, used for carrying groceries (杂物) and suitcases, the “trunk”; but in the UK, they call it the “boot ……
to the overconsumption of more stuff.5. 正如近藤在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时所说,它(收纳)并不是简单地扔掉东西或清除杂物,而是“要学会在日常生活中做有意义的选择,并感恩生活。”5. 正如近藤在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时所说,它(收纳)并不是简单地扔掉东西或清除杂物,而是“要学会在日常生活中做有意义的选择,并感恩生活。”Day 4: CDBDCDay 4 ……
摘自: 上期参考答案[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]
器),” he said. I thought I had misunderstood him. I thought maybe trail mix (杂物), some apples, or maybe ……
器),” he said. I thought I had misunderstood him. I thought maybe trail mix (杂物), some apples, or maybe ……
downstairs. 他们在楼下堆放杂物。 They also raise animals downstairs. Why do people live upstairs? 住楼上既通风又防潮。It must ……
(商店的清仓大甩卖),garage sale (美国家庭的杂物甩卖),sale at breakdown price (跳楼价甩卖)。attempted rape强奸未遂Former ……
自八年前就不拍照了,现在的她更喜欢用眼睛和心记录当下的美好。必要时闭上眼睛,在自己的“思绪”中走一遭,在脑海中回顾美好的时刻。文中有一些关于“杂物整理”、“体会、珍惜”的表达,让我们一起来看一看!● 关于“杂物整理”1. ... throwing out stuff that we had accumulated over ……
rubbish,waste,refuse以及trash等。Rubbish具体指明为干废料,如报纸、木料、罐头等。Garbage通常指湿的或有机物质,如剩余食物、腐肉杂物。Refuse、trash、waste泛指上面两种废品以及工业废品、建造废料、街道垃圾。Refuse亦指所有固体废料、阴沟残余,甚至于遗弃的车辆、冰箱。而我们随手丢弃的纸屑、果皮等杂物则可以用litter来表示。以下 ……