“最重要的东西是眼睛看不到的,只有用你的心才看得见。”这是童话故事《小王子》里的一句话,平凡却充满哲理。这恰似教育部自2013年起开展的“国培计划”新型项目——示范...看到的是在成效卓著的培训中不断成长的一名名教师,而我们看不到的是混合式教师培训背后的意蕴——慢慢引导学员回归自己的过程。作为一个新型项目,混合式教师培训工作在实施过程中,如何突出项目特色,让学员真正学有所得、学有所获?眼睛看不到的“最重 ……
It is said that the eyes are the windows to our soul. However, to have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need everyday attention. ……
QIANTUQIANTUIt is said that the eyes are the windows to our soul. However, to have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need everyday attention. ……
Choose the answer1. According to the tips, can help relax eyes. A. ……
Eye Health CareDaily tipsHealthy habits make healthy eyes. Here are some daily tips for better eye health. Rinse (冲洗) your eyes with pure cold water regularly (定期地). ……
TUCHONGTUCHONG* Set the screen (屏幕) 45 to 80 cm from your eyes. * Set the screen (屏幕) 45 to 80 cm from your eyes. * Try to reduce reflections (减少反光). ……
Answer:1. giraff2. crayon3. ……
2009 MCTKey:1. lock2. biscuit 3. ……
Key:1. cucumber 2. potato 3. ……
Key:1. pool 2. cellphone3. ……
Key:1. butterfly2. dragonfly3. ……
Where. the. ……
Key: 1. bookshelf 2. lantern3. ……
Key:1. snow2. toilet3. ……