, saying, “If we had known about this, we wouldn’t have employed him.”Humiliating意思是“侮辱性的”,近义词有insulting。热门综艺节目《了不起的挑战》回应网友举报并核实香港演员王喜曾发表过大量侮辱中国大陆的言论,对其镜头做了删减,无法删减的则打上了马赛克。 21st ……
词有indulgent, coddled等。被凡客老总侮辱是垃圾,周杰伦表现得毫不在意(not give a damn),轻松凭借写给爱女的新歌抢占头条。”侮辱性的“英文可以说humiliating, insulting ……
-表示“生命、生物”,比如bio-fuel (生物燃料), biotech (生物技术)。Payment表示“支付”,如advance payment (预付款)。侮辱性绰号insulting... nickname,“侮辱性绰号”还可以说offensive nickname或humiliating nickname。 ……
爱尔兰队长基恩打道回府IRELAND captain Roy Keane was sent home from the World Cup for insulting (侮辱) his manager Mick McCarthy. Keane is said to have shouted at McCarthy in front of his team during the squad ……
be happy to be seen as tech geeks, while only 4 percent of the respondents would take it as an insult (侮辱 ……
driverinsulted(侮辱) me," she cried.The man felt sorry for her and said: "Why, he's a public servant ……
that patients whoinsult(侮辱) or physically attack doctors will be warned about their behaviour or even refused ……
, was said to have been turned over to the police. He could face charges of insulting (侮辱) a foreign ……
mainland tourists were verbally abused (侮辱) and called “locusts”, and shoppers had to seek shelter ……
一个友好的手势换个地方可能就是对别人的侮辱呢!词数 180 建议阅读时间 5分钟 教案见网站 测试见7版 BODY language is a funny thing – one person''s good luck sign is another''s insult (侮辱).Take the "thumbs (拇指) up" sign. Most of us have given ……
面来理解,insult是“侮辱”,injury是“受伤”,意思就是“受了伤之外还受到侮辱”。作为一个习语来讲,它的意思就是:雪上加霜,火上浇油。 现学现用:Claudia早上找不到手机又错过了公交车,过得 ……
面来理解,insult是“侮辱”,injury是“受伤”,意思就是“受了伤之外还受到侮辱”。作为一个习语来讲,它的意思就是:雪上加霜,火上浇油。 现学现用:Claudia早上找不到手机又错过了公交车,过得 ……
of northwest England when a 17-year-oldinsulted(侮辱) him."Policemen have feelings too. I am not fat ……
Clever footwearIF someone says you've got brains in your shoes, it may not be aninsult(侮辱). German sportswear maker Adidas has released the world's first "smart shoe", complete with a computerchip(芯片 ……
Be nice, teachers!Students in China will have protection against their teachers'insulting(侮辱性的) words, according to the new version ofthe Law on the Protection of Minors(《未成年人保护法》). Members ……