绿色盲文打印技术助力冬残奥会绿色盲文打印技术助力冬残奥会The Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games used green printing technology when making the Braille (盲文) versions of a variety of written material for the event ……
盲文积木让玩乐更容易盲文积木让玩乐更容易Look at these Lego bricks. Each brick has a different number of studs (小凸点). They are for blind children. So, they can pick the right brick and build what they want ……
The Lego company (乐高公司) has made Braille Bricks (盲文积木) for children with eye problems or for those who want to learn Braille.The Lego company (乐高公司) has made Braille Bricks (盲文积木) for children ……
北京为盲人设立专用公交站牌。A GOOD city should care about the needs of all groups of people. Beijing is trying to be friendlier to the blind (盲人). At the end of last month, the city set up its first braille (盲文 ……
two.3. The woman is blind and is reading braille (盲文). ……
PROVIDED TO TEENSPROVIDED TO TEENS初中生发明盲文阅读器,物美又价廉。初中生发明盲文阅读器,物美又价廉。This summer holiday, Feng Boyao and Meng Shuqi were very busy. They were working on a braille reading device (盲文阅读器).The two 14 ……
reading Braille (盲文) and going downstairs (下楼). This helped them get to know how hard life can... like reading Braille (盲文) and going downstairs (下楼). This helped them get to know how hard life can ……
the colors right? His paint tubes (颜料管) have Braille labels (盲文标签), and his 29 years of living with sight ……
看!美国初中生用乐高做的盲文打印机。WHAT can you build with Legos (乐高)? Shubham Banerjee, 13, from the US built a Braille printer (盲文打印机). And it works great.As a middle school student, Banerjee never gave much ……
Braille (盲文) - and stamp their replies with a unique Santa postmark (邮戳). “This will keep kids..., who work in the mail office. They answer in different languages - including Braille (盲文 ……
地服务目标受众。全聚德推出中英文盲文菜单中华老字号全聚德烤鸭店4日推出中、英文两个版本的盲文菜单,以方便残奥会期间来店就餐的国内外盲人宾客。据了解,本届残奥会吸引了148个国家和地区的4200多名...成为北京餐饮的“代言菜”,奥运村中的烤鸭成为最受欢迎的菜肴,平均每天消费700只。为迎接残奥会,全聚德邀请了专业盲文老师将120多道全聚德的精品菜肴翻译成中、英文两个版本的盲文菜谱,以方便各国盲人宾客享用美食。 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
on people to help blind people. He wanted to do something for them.After learning Braille (盲文), he got ……
FOR those who cannot see, reading can be a challenging task.But that could all be about to change, thanks to a braille (盲文) e-reader, similar to the Amazon Kindle, which has been invented ……
is in braille (盲文). Blind people can get information about every stop by touching (触摸) it. The board is only 1.7 ……
with Braille menus (盲文菜单). Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres liked Alex’s idea. She had him on her show ……