Balloons of famous American characters make their way down Broadway (百老汇) in New York City on November 22. It was the 75th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and included 15 giant balloons ……
小小年纪就登上百老汇舞台的吉他手。At first sight, you might be impressed (对……印象深刻的) by Brandon Niederauer’s wild... to the stage. He has performed for more than two years on a Broadway (百老汇) show called School of Rock ……
Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe will appear in a stage (舞台) show called Equus《恋马狂》on Broadway (百老汇 ……
音乐剧《悲惨世界》告别百老汇,有望与中国观众"零距离"。IN a cloud of colourful balloons and to long standing cheers,Broadway(百老汇) said goodbye to "Les Miserables" (《悲惨世界》) on May 18. The musical, based on the work of French ……
探营百老汇后台让我大长见识。词数 240 建议阅读时间 7分钟IF you can only do one thing in the US, you should watch a Broadway (百老汇) show.Have you seen The Lion King? In the movie, Simba, Sazu, Pongpa and Tinmang tell a story ……
Daniel's on stageHARRY Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe will appear in a stage (舞台) show called Equus《恋马狂》on Broadway (百老汇) in September.Radcliffe, 18, plays a teenager."I will be very nervous because I ……
People call New York City the “Big Apple”. Let’s take a look at some of its famous places.Broadway 百老汇Broadway in New York has many theaters. People come here to watch plays. The road runs from one ……
. Address: 3 Wenhuiyuan Road, Haidian DistrictBroadway Cinematheque MOMA百老汇电影中心It is the only market ……
-Manuel Miranda,creator of the hip-hop musical Hamilton.“我会这样想:‘什么是当前世界里不存在但是有必要存在的 ?’”—— 百老汇音乐剧《汉密尔顿》的词曲作者兼主演林曼纽尔·米兰达 (《时代周刊》)美国戏剧协会第70届托尼奖提名名单于5月3日揭晓,《汉密尔顿》获得16项提名,成为托尼奖历史上获提名最多的百老汇剧目。不久前,此剧 ……
近日,美国百老汇经典音乐剧(classic Broadway musical)《西区故事》(West Side Story)以感人的爱情故事、激越的音乐和奔放的舞蹈,在北京展览馆剧场(Beijing...拉开帷幕。在近一个月时间里,来自美国、德国和我国的戏剧艺术家们将为北京观众奉献17台内容丰富、形式多样的戏剧演出。本期,让我们一起走进音乐剧的殿堂,感受它独特的魅力。百老汇音乐剧(Broadway ……
. There are Broadway-style performances (百老汇风格的表演) as well as pop songs.Besides (除了) the change of music... been turned into a musical. There are Broadway-style performances (百老汇风格的表演) as well as pop songs ……
(百老汇风格的表演) as well as pop songs.Besides (除了) the change of music, Cinderella herself gets a modern.... There are Broadway-style performances (百老汇风格的表演) as well as pop songs.Besides (除了) the change of music ……
well enough to cover its running costs (费用) because of the pandemic (疫情).由于受到新冠疫情影响导致剧场上座率无法达到盈利水平,百老汇上演时间最长的音乐剧由于受到新冠疫情影响导致剧场上座率无法达到盈利水平,百老汇上演时间最长的音乐剧《歌剧魅影》预期将于2023年2月停演。“停演”可用 have a closure 表示, 动词 ……
selling well because of the pandemic (疫情).由于受到新冠疫情影响导致剧场上座率无法达到盈利水平,百老汇上演时间最长的音乐剧《歌剧魅影》预期将于2023年2月停演。“预期”可用 be scheduled to 表示。Schedule 是“时间表、计划表”的意思,as scheduled 则是“如期”的意思。由于受到新冠疫情影响导致剧场上座率无法达到盈利水平,百老汇 ……
由美国萨克福大学荣休教授郑达花费十年时间深耕熊式一家人提供的一手文献、采访熊式一亲友、搜寻中国和海外相关新闻报道而完成。1934年,熊式一将中国传统剧目《红鬃烈马》改编为英语戏剧《王宝川》,在伦敦连演900场。1935年,他成为第一位登上百老汇舞台的中国导演,被...由美国萨克福大学荣休教授郑达花费十年时间深耕熊式一家人提供的一手文献、采访熊式一亲友、搜寻中国和海外相关新闻报道而完成。1934年,熊式一将中国传统剧目《红鬃烈马》改编为英语戏剧《王宝川》,在伦敦连演900场。1935年,他成为第一位登上百老汇 ……