到底是谁在说谎?超级侦探I spy我是超级侦探Dino!我有一双锐利的眼睛,任何谜团都难不倒我。跟随我一起去破案吧!Answer: 中枪的男子伤到了头的后部。通常情况下,只有枪手正面对着男子开枪,枪子才会给男子一个向后的推力,男子会向后方倒下。只有这样,他才会伤到头的后部。反之,按照大卫的说法,枪手在男子身后开枪,男子会向前倒,而伤到前额。所以大卫在说谎,他可能是真正的枪手。TEXT ……
能是) the gunman.” Do you know why David could be the gunman? TEENSAnswer: 中枪的男子伤到了头的后部。通常情况下,只有枪手正面对着男子开枪,枪子才会给男子一个向后的推力,男子会向后方倒下。只有这样,他才会伤到头的后部。反之,按照大卫的说法,枪手在男子身后开枪,男子会向前倒,而伤到前额。所以大卫在说谎,他可能是真正的枪手。 ……
(《真正男子汉》) hit Hunan TV on May 1. The reality show depicts six male celebrities’ lives in the military... impressed the audience. Stand head and shoulders above意为“脱颖而出”。《真正男子汉》开播,明星阵容强大却被部队的班长成功抢镜。王金武凭借样貌、身材和士兵风貌成功刷屏。 ……
. Everyone has a lovely day!生词大本营Cyril 西里尔(男子名) wipe 擦,抹 sleeve 袖子sneeze 打喷嚏hankie 手帕生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营Cyril 西里尔(男子名) wipe 擦,抹 sleeve 袖子sneeze 打喷嚏hankie 手帕Cyril 西里尔(男子名)Cyril 西里尔(男子名)wipe 擦,抹wipe 擦,抹sleeve ……
Cheers for Liu Xiang! He gets another gold medal (金牌). 在西班牙举行的第12届世界室内田径锦标赛男子60米栏决赛中,刘翔以7秒46的成绩夺冠。 ……
美国男子上演真人版《飞屋环游记》。THE real life UP is here! American Jonathan Trappe is 37 years old. He flew (飞行) 18,000 feet (5,500 meters) above Mexico with some balloons (气球). The colors of the balloons ……
微笑鲨鱼与美国男子水下击掌。GIVE me five (嗨,击下掌吧), man! That might be what the shark in this picture said. Eli Martinez of the US was diving (潜水) in this Bahamas. This shark swam towards him. To Martinez ……
Animation Do 《男子游泳部》:一部为梦想拼尽全力的热血动漫《男子游泳部》:一部为梦想拼尽全力的热血动漫Free! (《男子... competition (比赛). In the end, everyone becomes a better person!Free! (《男子游泳部》) is a Japanese anime (日本 ……
China’s men’s (男子) basketball team has a big game on August 10. 这天是中国男篮在北京奥运会上的第一场比赛。China will face the United States (美国) in this match. 经过抽签,北京奥运会男子篮球项目比赛分成了A、B两组。There are six teams in Group B ……
”.Dreamboat意为“梦中情人”。90后“小鲜肉”宁泽涛,在世锦赛男子100米自由泳决赛上创造了历史,成为亚洲第一位短距离自由泳男子世界冠军。明明可以靠高颜值,却偏偏要拼实力,难怪 ……
(男子组合) NINE PERCENT, Guo Qilin, an actor and comedian (喜剧演员), and actor Sha Yi. We will still see...! In the new season (季), a few new members join the family. They are Cai Xukun, member of boy group (男子 ……
Igor Baronas makes unusual bicycles. ICIgor Baronas makes unusual bicycles. IC俄罗斯男子打造各种奇形怪状的自行车。俄罗斯男子打造各种奇形怪状的自行车。Bicycles can be creative (有创意的)! Igor Baronas from Russia has made about 200 unusual ……
".---------------------------------------masculinity: 男子气schizophrenia: 精神分裂 ……
古巴男子天生24指。PEOPLE call him “Twenty-Four”. The 37-year-old Cuban (古巴人) Yoandri Hernandez Garrido’s nickname comes from the six fingers on each of his hands and the six toes on each foot.Garrido ……
伪装成兔子的神秘男子。WILLIAM Falkingham of Idaho, US, has a special hobby. He likes to dress in a rabbit costume (服装) and scare (吓唬) children in his neighborhood. Local police have asked him to stop wearing ……