类似意思的词还有deserve。Backfire也可以表示出乎意料的状况。邓紫棋最近负面消息不断,更被人翻出当年与胡杏儿的旧账,看来她要好好做做危机公关了。 ……
被西方笔译和口译工作者奉为守护神。1991年,FIT公关委员会提出了国际翻译日(International Translation Day)的设想。同年,FIT理事会采纳了这一设想。自1992年起,国际 ……
(后勤),PR(公关) and marketing. So F1 is certainly not just one man's race! ……
“中国”以及“f”开头的英文脏话对应“中国运动员”。Google中国公司日前委托奥美公关的任先生解释说,他们很长时间以前就曾接到相关投诉,并立即着手对翻译工具的基础问题进行修正,但修 ……
by the praise. An editorial carried by Xinhua News Agency said “Li Na is the best PR (Public Relations, 公关 ……
director, Chen has a deputy director, a PR (public relations, 公关) officer and a managing producer ……
relations(PR, 公关), sales and marketing. They persuaded a joint Sino-French company near their school ……
品牌经营,自我公关sustainability: 可持续性Web-savvy: 精通网络的 ……
PR blitz公关闪电攻势US President Barack Obama is planning a post-vote public relations blitz to convince voters to support his health care reforms. One version of the health care reform bill narrowly ……
south of Moscow. The question remains: Is this anything to do with politics or is it just PR (公关 ……
consolidation (合并) in the next year or two,” said Vincent Lee, from Edelman (爱德曼公关) in Beijing. “The market ……
brother in terms of intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。red herrings 幌子,为分散注意力而提出的不相干事实或论点,通常是一种政治宣传或公关 ……
admitted that she sometimes goes to McDonald’s. “When she jokes about her publicist (公关人员) hating her ……
downloaded from the Web," Wang said.Liu Xiaoqi, director of the Public Relations department (公关 ……
粉丝",他们早已从单纯的狂热群体蜕变成了以"粉丝"为名的职业运作团队。他们分工明确,如财务部、采购部、策划部、公关部等部门,运作有序,大有成为一种新型行业的趋势。炒:stir craze for点评 ……