priority.”– Lee-hom Wong, 37, Chinese-American singer 小编点评:刚刚结束了纽约之行的王力宏回到国内,自然对两地空气质量差别之大深有感触。我们的生活质量的确在很大程度上依赖于(depend on)空气质量的好坏,所以王力宏把它列为重中之重的事情(top priority),你觉得呢? ……
王力宏首度做导演。WHAT is pop star Lee-Hom Wang doing? He is very busy now! He is the director of the new film Love in Disguise (《恋爱通告》). Wang wants the movie to make people happy. On June 16, Wang will fly ……
王力宏演唱会玩转广州SINGER Leehom Wang of Taiwan is going to hold a concert in Guangzhou, Guangdong on May 21. A report says the 35-year-old will sing about 30 songs in three hours. He’ll also invite 12 ……
充满活力和能量而产生的快乐”。王力宏和林书豪相差十二岁,称赞小弟“搞笑可爱”,也表现了王力宏少见的“老大哥”范儿。 ……
tweet unveiling his girlfriend. To astonish意为“使惊讶”,同义词有astound和amaze。王力宏出道多年,虽绯闻不断,但他却很少承认恋情。此前与李云迪爆出所谓疑似同性恋情,两人都已表态否认,现在王力宏终于公开发布了女友照片和婚讯,粉丝们祝福他们吧 ……
王力宏尼泊尔献爱心CHINESE-AMERICAN singer Lee Hom Wong visited Nepal (尼泊尔) from April 14 to 21 as a "Youth Ambassador" (青年大使) for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (联合国儿童基金会).He took ……
王力宏:古典与摇滚的完美结合。DO you like the guitar? How about pipa? Pop singer Lee-Hom Wong plays both of them in a new song. The name of the song is What's Wrong With Me. Wong brings Chinese music into rock 'n ……
Do you like guitar? How about pipa (琵琶)? Pop singer Lee-Hom Wong (王力宏) plays both of them in a new song. The name of the song is What’s Wrong With Me (《摇滚怎么了》). Wong likes to try different kinds ……
Wang(王力宏) mixed Peking Opera into his new album "Heroes of Earth" (《盖世英雄》). It's his second Chinese ……
.Spiderman Wang's mum about sexTAIWAN singer Leehom Wang (王力宏) plans to heat up his Music-Man Beijing ……
翩翩的”,但其更强调外貌美。其他近义词有adorable, comely。范冰冰和即将扮演“诗仙”的王力宏,也算是风度翩翩的才子佳人配。 ……
,截止日期11月23日。我们将从每次答对的读者中抽取1名幸运者,赠送一份精美礼品。邮件请注明姓名、省份、学校和年级。第359期答案:王力宏获奖者: 重庆四川外国语学院附属外国语学校初二22班 谭可欣 ……
邮件至zhanganyu@21stcentury.com.cn,截止日期11月23日。我们将从每次答对的读者中抽取1名幸运者,赠送一份精美礼品。邮件请注明姓名、省份、学校和年级。第341期答案:王力宏获奖者: 辽宁 ……
( 嘉宾). 21STChallenging adj. 挑战性的,要求高的。对即将到来的鸟巢演唱会, 王力宏可谓是颇费心思,以自己的歌曲命名票区名称,是坐在《龙的传人》区还是《盖世英雄》区,任你选择。 ……
and enthusiasm, high spirited。 王力宏传递圣火秀高空劈腿,力秀自创动作”火炬力全开“,身手矫健引英国人啧啧称赞。 ……