disasters (灾难).Watch the skies狮子座流星雨就要来啦!DON'T forget to watch the stars next week! The yearly Leonid meteor shower (狮子座流星雨) will be at its best on November 19. You will be able to see about 100 meteors ……
hour.这则消息讲的是上周再现狮子座流星雨这一天文现象。在亚洲,人们可以在一小时内看到60颗流星划过夜空。下面让我们来了解一下流星雨是怎么形成的。Yearly meteor showers happen ……
苍穹中谁的眼泪在飞?狮子座流星雨划破夜空。Shooting stars, streaks of light and flying rocks - did you see the famous... through a group of meteors, called Leonids (狮子座流星群), which spread out along the orbit of a comet (彗星 ……
, “Why do people call the Leonids (狮子座流星雨) the king of meteor showers (流星雨)?”While..., “Why do people call the Leonids (狮子座流星雨) the king of meteor showers (流星雨)?”While learning ……