HAVE you ever seen homeless Xinjiang children on the street? They are in a bad situation. Many of them may have been kidnapped (绑架) from their homes, taken by criminal gangs (犯罪团伙) to other cities ……
reported.According to the police, in early 2005, two gang (犯罪团伙) members broke into Shen Junliang&rsquo....According to the police, in early 2005, two gang (犯罪团伙) members broke into Shen Junliang’s house ……
.With no adults willing to listen to them, Tom and Chengcai befriend a gang (犯罪团伙), which leads ……
despite little food, no electricity and gangs of criminals (犯罪团伙) who attack anyone they can.Alas... of the community despite little food, no electricity and gangs of criminals (犯罪团伙) who attack anyone ……
;(欺负) to becoming a gang (犯罪团伙) boss and to getting arrested (逮捕) in the end.Chinese crime... fishmonger (鱼贩子) – went from being bullied (欺负) to becoming a gang (犯罪团伙) boss ……
(犯罪团伙) takes the daughter of Qiao Fei’s (Jay Chou) master. They want something Qiao has: the map ……
put in her body by a gang (犯罪团伙) accidentally gets into her system, letting her see, feel, and move ……
California, which was better known for gangs (犯罪团伙) and crime (犯罪) than the talents who came from the area ……
the criminal gang (犯罪团伙) that he belongs to. Brady starts working as a plumber (水管工). One day he ……
阿加莎短篇侦探小说集首度引进英国著名侦探小说家阿加莎克里斯蒂的短篇侦探小说集《犯罪团伙》(Partners in Crime)日前首度由人民文学出版社引进中国。与阿加莎的长篇侦探推理小说不同,《犯罪团伙》一书的侦探主角不是波洛,而是年轻的侦探汤米和塔彭丝夫妇。该书由十余个短篇侦探故事构成,短小精悍,但又悬念叠生、引人入胜。 据了解,截至目前,人民文学出版社的阿加莎克里斯蒂侦探推理系列已推出34种 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
gangs (犯罪团伙) had been busted (逮捕) nationwide. Serious violent crimes have been on the decline for 10.... By August 2020, more than 10,000 criminal gangs (犯罪团伙) had been busted (逮捕) nationwide. Serious ……
about local gangs (犯罪团伙), but also provoked (引发) outrage from internet users, most of whom called... (引起) reports about local gangs (犯罪团伙), but also provoked (引发) outrage from internet users, most ……
School, England, UKWord buildinggang n. 一群(歹徒),犯罪团伙Fights among rival gangs are the reason for most ……
’s too!By William Pearson, 16, Archbishop Temple School, England, UKWord buildinggang n. 一群(歹徒),犯罪团伙 ……
School,England, UKWord buildinggang n. 一群(歹徒),犯罪团伙Fights among rival gangs are the reason for most ……