珍爱生命,远离爱滋 DECEMBER 1 was World AIDS Day. Many young people in Sichuan have started a month of activities (活动). They are using pictures and videos to tell people how to keep away from AIDS ……
共同关注,遏制爱滋The deadly disease AIDS is spreading fast all over the world. World leaders are meeting in Kenya between September 21-26 to discuss how to stop AIDS. They agree there should be more money ……
握手会传染爱滋病吗?医学专家开通热线为你解答。IT is time for China to face up to the reality of AIDS (爱滋病) .At the first... are living with HIV or AIDS, according to UNAIDS (联合国爱滋病规划署). Half of all new infections over 3,000 ……
/HIV:爱滋病/爱滋病病毒With 2.6 per cent of its 13 million people carrying HIV or AIDS, the UN believes Cambodia is the worst affected country in the Asia-Pacific region. (Issue 127, P5) 柬埔寨1,300万人口中2.6%的人携带爱滋病病毒或患上了爱滋 ……
, the disease is spreading all over the world at a shocking speed. 爱滋病就像一个残酷的恶魔,正以惊人的速度在世界上传播。* Even after... all over the world at a shocking speed. 爱滋病就像一个残酷的恶魔,正以惊人的速度在世界上传播。* Even after the hospital had ……
Sun wants to helpSINGAPOREAN singer Stefanie Sun paid a seven-day visit toAIDS-stricken(患爱滋病的) families in Congo, Africa, last month.Their poor living conditions impressed Stephanie very much ……
有什么比爱滋病更可怕?是人与人之间的冷漠、疏离和不理解!LIU Mingxiao, 13, from Henan Nanyang, is pretty and smart. She comes top in her class. But many try to stay away from her because Liu's mum has AIDS.There are about 78,000 ……
it is and how to protect yourself, you can make a difference.但如果你知道它(爱滋病)是怎么回事,知道怎样保护自己,你就可以改变生活。 ……
社会,关心他人。如"阅读理解"中B篇以得了爱滋病的父亲的切身经历和自己的感受呼吁要关注爱滋病和爱滋病人的社会问题以及对待该问题的正确态度,具有积极的社会意义。开放作文更能体现北京特色。一幅 ……
小小梦想 慢慢长大
Do you have a dream? What is it? 在第六届“21世纪 · 学乐杯”全国中小学英语演讲比赛小学组的比赛中,来自全国各地的小选手用英语讲述了他们的梦想。What are their dreams? 我们来听一听获得一等奖的选手们有什么样的梦想吧。I have a dream that one day I can be a doctor. 我要发明一种治疗爱滋 ……
will be cleaner and people will be healthier. There will be cures (疗法) for cancer and AIDS (爱滋病). People ……
王亚民老师在采访中说道:“端木教授所提出的观点,对于采用《21世纪英文报》教学非常适用。如在选用《21世纪英文报》第602期第6版‘关注爱滋孤儿,大学生义不容辞’进行教学时,我组织学生对此进行了讨论,学生 ……
可以帮助学生了解天下大事,学习和巩固许多英语语言知识,而且可以接触到大量鲜活的语言,从而在阅读中不断扩大词汇容量。英语报刊内容新颖,紧跟时代步伐,一些新词,新短语常常最早在报纸上出现,如SARS(非典), AIDS(爱滋 ……
有启发性、新颖性,抓住学生的注意力,调动他们的兴趣和积极性。例如,笔者在教授人教版《高中英语》高二上册Living with Disease这个单元时,首先提了这样一个问题:“你敢与爱滋 ……
生将其落实到行动中。在该校初中部教学楼南端,有典雅庄重的“品格墙”,每块石头都镌刻寓意深刻的图文。学校还组织学生到河南、山西参加对爱滋病患者的救助活动,组织河南爱滋病孤儿到北京参观、参加联欢活动。朝外 ……