ON May 12, theproducer(制片人)of the cartoon Fuwaannounced(宣布)in Shenzhen that it is looking fordubbers(配音演员)all over the world. The cartoon will be put up at CCTV on October 1 this year. Chinese actors ……
本栏目选登由广西教育出版社出版的《我在美国教英语》(帕特唐、林羽著)一书中的部分章节. 该著作讲述了作者在美国教授英语的经历,书中包括大量教英语、学英语、用英语的生动例子,对中美英语教学进行了双向对比. 该书分主题对作者在美国中小学课堂中使用的教学法进行介绍和讲解,被称为“一本奇妙的英语教学法和英语学习书”. ---------------------------------语音教学和听力教学是密不可分的. ……
【Ellen DeGeneresBorn on January 26, 1958, in Louisiana, US, the American comedian and television host is well-known for her observational (善于观察的) humor. She started in comedy with stand-up routines (日常活动), but gained fame (名声) for her ground-breaking TV sitcom, Ellen. Rachael RayRay is an American chef and television celebrity (名人). ……
That's why you've never seen an overweight mime (哑剧演员). They pretend to eat pizza, they pretend to eat candy, they pretend to eat ice cream. ……
Bibi the cat looks like an acrobat (杂技演员). He can hold 10 dice (筛子) on his paw. He lives with his owner in Malaysia (马来西亚). ……
学校的话剧表演Welcome to our drama show! I’m a princess. I’m a knight (骑士).I’m a fairy (仙女). Follow us to learn some words about drama. actor 男演员actress 女演员clap 鼓掌cheer 欢呼stage 舞台Our teacher is the director ……
KINGSWOOD FILMSKINGSWOOD FILMS张若昀:演员中的英语“学霸”张若昀:演员中的英语“学霸”Zhang Ruoyun is not only a good actor, but also has excellent language skills. His English-speaking ability has ……
TENCENTTENCENT脱口秀演员鸟鸟:化内向为实力脱口秀演员鸟鸟:化内向为实力Stand-up comedian Niaoniao turns her shy personality into a strength Stand-up comedian Niaoniao turns her shy personality into a strength  ……
贾玲: 从相声演员到导演的转变之路贾玲: 从相声演员到导演的转变之路Jia Ling makes a huge change but is truer to herself than everJia Ling makes a huge change but is truer to herself than ever ……
ENTERTAINMENT 360ENTERTAINMENT 360电影《特技狂人》致敬特技演员电影《特技狂人》致敬特技演员A new film focuses on stunt performers, important people working behind the scenes PAGE 8A new film focuses on stunt performers ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 配音演员吕艳婷:她为小哪吒“注入灵魂”配音演员吕艳婷:她为小哪吒“注入灵魂”Little Nezha’s voice actor explains what it takes to succeed in dubbing Little Nezha’s voice actor explains what ……
: No, Jacky. The teacher will be here in a minute. You have to face the music.在舞台上,演员会经常由于紧张或怯场而忘词,但只要音乐一响,演员就没有任何选择的余地了,只能去face the music(必须应对出现的局面)。所以对于演员来说,音乐响起时,只能“硬着头皮上”了!所以也就“不得不承担、不得不面对”。 ……
艰难的上学路。These girls are notacrobats(杂技演员). They are students in Gongma county, Yunnan. Every day the students have to go across the Nujiang river on arope(绳子). It's on the way to school. Luckily ……
oneself in/into sb’s shoes/position/place 意为“从别人的角度考虑,换位思考”。艾玛·沃特森凭借《美女与野兽》获得MTV年度最佳演员奖。今年该奖项不分最佳男演员和最佳女演员,而统一为最佳演员奖。 ……
漂亮对女演员到底有多重要?How does an actress continue her career when people are saying she is not beautiful enough? Yang Zi shares her story. ……