2017年9月底,我登上前往加拿大多伦多的飞机,开始了在安大略省滑铁卢市的滑铁卢大学为期一年的公派访学生涯。我的导师弗雷泽·伊斯顿教授是英语系的英国古典文学专家。相隔万里,在茫茫人海中遇见伊斯顿教授也是一段奇妙的缘分。访学申请获批几天后的一个晚上,我在滑铁卢大学英语系的网页上看到伊斯顿教授的介绍并给他写了一封邮件,第二天一早就收到回复:“我很 ……
关于我My name is Julia Jin. I live in Waterloo (滑铁卢), Canada. I am 8 years old and I am in grade 3. I am a happy, kind and caring4 girl. My father and mother are Chinese. I have grandparents ……
) of Wellington, who defeated (打败) Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo (滑铁卢战役). For that reason, only the very best ……
, who defeated (打败) Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo (滑铁卢战役). For that reason, only the very best ……
次的战役,如滑铁卢战役The battle of Waterloo。这句话的意思是:伊力诺伊州的Alex喜欢出演美国内战中的某些战役。EditorEditor ……
to teach students. Not buying it意为“不买账”。虽然郭敬明创作出数亿票房的电影,在商业上取得很大成功。但学生仍是质疑他的学术能力。在同窗面前遭遇滑铁卢,不知小四作何感想? ……
could give at least one correct answer. “Sam, what is Waterloo (滑铁卢)?” “Waterloo?” said the boy. “Oh ……
”,但在本文意为“批评、吐槽”。综艺节目《吐槽大会》的英文翻译就是Roast。新版《鹿鼎记》口碑遭遇滑铁卢,主演张一山被批演技浮夸。  ...记》口碑遭遇滑铁卢,主演张一山被批演技浮夸。   ……
correct answer.“Sam, what is Waterloo (滑铁卢)?”“Sam, what is Waterloo (滑铁卢)?”“Waterloo?” 4. _____________ ……
Strange tests in a new country擅长背公式和笔算的我竟然在第一次数学考试中遭遇滑铁卢,到底怎么回事呢?YOU may have heard this hundreds of times: "Chinese students are the most hardworking in the world." You may be wondering whether ……
performance might not be liked,” Zhang told Tencent News.新版《鹿鼎记》口碑遭遇滑铁卢,主演张一山被观众吐槽演技浮夸。英文中可以用roast表示...;新版《鹿鼎记》口碑遭遇滑铁卢,主演张一山被观众吐槽演技浮夸。英文中可以用roast表示“吐槽、批评”,例如综艺节目《吐槽大会》的英文名字就是Roast。而roast的常 ……
滑铁卢战役是拿破仑的最后一战,也是欧洲历史的重要转折点。WATERLOO, the last battle of the Napoleon's wars, was a turning point in modern history. It ended Frenchdomination(统治) of Europe and brought about great changes ……
GUARDIAN贝克汉姆在与葡萄牙的决战中途含泪下场,因为这是他担任英格兰队队长的最后一场国际大赛,而他似乎也预见到了英格兰队将在葡萄牙队面前再次遭遇滑铁卢。文中 ……
成也世界杯,败也世界杯 —— 两支种子队黯然结束伤心之旅。WITH France experiencing another Waterloo (滑铁卢) and Argentina dancing their last tango (探戈舞) in Asia, the two favourites to win the World Cup left South Korea and Japan ……
Barrier 《斯陶嘎关口》Word work 1. battle /5bAt(E)l/ n. 战役,战斗用法:the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役;go out ……