Using a food thermometer (温度计) is the only sure way to know if your food has been heated enough to kill bacteria. ……
食物的安全温度你知道吗?Food has to be heated (加热) enough to kill bacteria (细菌). So sometimes people use a food thermometer (食品温度计) to make sure their food is hot enough to eat. ……
QIANTUQIANTU水银温度计即将退出历史舞台。水银温度计即将退出历史舞台。Have you ever used a mercury thermometer (水银温度计) to take... you ever used a mercury thermometer (水银温度计) to take your temperature (温度)? These thermometers ……
现在的天气真是变化快啊!早晨还阴沉沉的,中午就艳阳高照了。让我们自制一个温度计,这样我们就能随时知道温度的变化了。What you need橡皮泥a straw 窄口玻璃瓶颜料 记号笔What...看到吸管中的水慢慢上升到瓶口上方。 小心不要把颜料水吸入口中。Make a mark with the pen on the straw. 记录下最高水位。 把自制温度计放在温差明显的地方,观察水位的变化。你发现了什么?1.在温度 ……
你给我100块钱我也不会出门的。)4. thermometer-breaker 温度计都要热爆了When the weather is so hot that it feels like the thermometer could break. I didn't want to run today. It's a thermometer-breaker (day). (我今天不想跑步了。这天气,温度计都快热爆了。) ……
, many people may be put off (暂缓) buying one.快捷的“便利贴”温度计。IT seems that no kids like thermometers (温度计... the arm. And you can get the information of your body temperature (温度) from an app on your phone ……
测温枪如何“秒知”你的体温?测温枪如何“秒知”你的体温?Infrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature....TEENSInfrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature guns, are being widely used to check temperatures during ……
测温枪是如何快速测出体温的?测温枪是如何快速测出体温的?Infrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature guns, have been widely... the results. TEENSInfrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature guns, have been widely ……
. AFP测温枪如何“秒知”你的体温?测温枪如何“秒知”你的体温?Infrared thermometers (红外温度计... also play a role. TEENSInfrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature guns, are being widely used ……
测温枪是如何快速测出体温的?测温枪是如何快速测出体温的?Infrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature guns, have been widely... affect the results. TEENSInfrared thermometers (红外温度计), or temperature guns ……
水银体温计将退出历史舞台。水银体温计将退出历史舞台。Using a mercury thermometer (水银温度计) to measure our body temperature...;Using a mercury thermometer (水银温度计) to measure our body temperature will soon become history ……
员手里拿着长颈鹿最喜欢的玩具。The giraffe runs to him andlowersher head. She opens her mouth. 饲养员把温度计放在了她的舌头上。"Oh, you are fine." The keeperpatsthe giraffe on her cheek. “快把温度计还给我,待会儿大猩猩还要用呢!”Elephant该剪指甲了Now ……
温度计,你也可以做!温度计,你也可以做! 1. Fill bottle with water and some coloring.1. Fill bottle with water and some coloring.2. Put clay 2 in. (5 cm) from end of straw and push onto bottle; don’t let ……
thermometers (水银温度计) are commonly used. But they are dangerous if broken, as mercury is bad for both...; Mercury thermometers (水银温度计 ……
(温度计), a collection jar and several other items.2). Students go to lakes or rivers for watersamples ……