top usable technology 包含23582个检索结果
a new technology to extract water from dry air. Existing methods don’t work well when the air humidity (湿度) is less than 30 percent. However, this new technology can efficiently turn water vapor (蒸气 ……
to the eyes.However, it may take five to 10 years to make the technology usable. “We do not see major... their experiments involved making a very small object invisible, they believe the technology could ……
BEHIND the talking computer, there is the voice technology.In the early 1980s, Donald Davies, inventor of the Internet's packet-switching technology, remarked that converting text into speech ……
最长的高尔夫球棒。THIS is the world’s longest golf club. It is made by Denmark artist Karsten Maas. Measuring 4.37m, the big golf club is usable (可用的). It has been used to drive a ball a distance (距离) of 165 ……
, no more typing slowly on a keyboard.But so far, speech technology is a solid example of an idea well conceived but poorly executed.Promising futureProducts based on speech recognition technology ……
Guilin University of Electronic Technology came out on top in the "Sony Cup — 2001 National... of Education, the Ministry of Information Technology and Sony (China). About 346 schools of higher ……
95 percentThis percentage of secondary vocational school graduates found jobs last year. The top three majors that landed students some jobs were manufacturing and processing, information technology ……
, just after Switzerland.Technology (技术) developed in Israel has changed our lives. For example, anti... with China in the Belt and Road Initiative. For example, many Israeli environmental technology companies ……
the top award (奖项) at the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge and a $25,000 (about 180... invention.In October, Jin won the top award (奖项) at the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators ……
, according to Xinhua News Agency.Many Israeli environmental technology companies have already set up... and wastewater into usable water.In fact, such innovations have made Israel a rising destination for Chinese ……
, according to Xinhua News Agency.Many Israeli environmental technology companies have already set up... into usable water.In fact, such innovations have made Israel a rising destination for Chinese students ……
the 49th and Tsinghua the 71st. The top 10: California Institute of Technology (US) Harvard (US...There is a fresh name at the top of the Times Higher Education’s (THE) world university rankings ……
what you need to know.A. usable B. effective C. available D. affordable 2. In no country ______..., wearable technology and clothing construction.According to White House officials, the goal of the event ……
Choose the answer:1. Item collection ends on . A. ……
Choose the answer:1. Item collection ends on _____. A. ……
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