喜欢猜谜吗?《有奖竞猜》将成为你展示才华的小舞台!答对了,你就能参加我们的幸运抽奖哦!请在9月24日之前将答案发送到 sunguanhua@i21st.cn, 赢取精美礼品!别忘了写清姓名和邮寄地址。总第471期答案:i (与“eye”发音相同).(Question: What letter is a part of the head? )优胜者:安徽省合肥市包河区 海顿学校7年级3班 吴成若 ……
-touching stories. People can feel moved by the deep emotions of classical music.Know your starsHaydn (海顿 ……
-touching stories. People can feel moved by the deep emotions of classical music.Know your starsHaydn (海顿 ……
-touching stories. People can feel moved by the deep emotions of classical music.Know your starsHaydn (海顿 ……
in Haydn’s music,” the team wrote. (Page 6)释义:研究小组表示,“我们可以证明这些声音特征在莫扎特的音乐中比在海顿... than in Haydn’s music,” the team wrote. (Page 6)释义:研究小组表示,“我们可以证明这些声音特征在莫扎特的音乐中比在海顿 ……