scene. I stood there for a long time with my eyes closed listening to their warbles (鸟鸣). A more ……
濒危鸟类"芳踪难觅",科学家动用录音设备捕捉鸟鸣。IT was early afternoon. American researchers had spent days searching through the Louisiana forest to see an ivory-billed woodpecker (白喙啄木鸟). It's a bird that has wandered ……
林荫小道上轻快的马车,树丛间的啾啾鸟鸣,草坪上孩子们欢呼雀跃的身影……纽约中央公园为奔波的都市人带来一片放飞心灵的绿洲。HORSE-DRAWN carriages roll smoothly along the stone paths. Couples relax in the sun on the grass, listening to the birds singing ……
made me wipe (擦拭) my glasses every few minutes. Little birds were warbling (鸟鸣) all the time...After ……
on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and quiet. Watching the river, listening to the chirps (鸟鸣...天艰苦的校园生活后看着小河的流水,听着啾啾鸟鸣和树叶沙沙的响声总能让我放松心情。语法:动名词做主语。Listening to Jay Chou’s music relaxes me after doing home work ……
Gao Wu."He could tell which birds were there by theirtwittering(鸟鸣)," Yao remembers with a smile ……
make a lot of noise. (这些机器噪声真大。)Don't make so much noise.(不要这样喧闹。)voice主要指人说话或唱歌时的声音,即“说话声”、“歌声”,有时也指鸟鸣 ……
, feeling the soft ground covered with brown leaves and listening to the symphony of bird chirps (鸟鸣 ……
近年来,微型博客网Twitter在全球迅速流行,其便捷、个性化的交流方式受到网民的青睐。牛津大学出版社的词典专家们从今年1月开始,对150万条Twitter信息进行监控,以研究Twitter现象对英语语言的影响。日前,该出版社发布了部分研究成果。(详见链接)Twitter原意为“鸟鸣声”和“喋喋不休地说话”。如今,该词因为博客技术创始人埃文威廉姆斯推出的Twitter服务 ……
上编写短消息”。Twitter的本意是指“鸟鸣声”和“喋喋不休地说话”。据了解,与Twitter一同被收入词典的还有两个相关词汇Twitterati和Twitterverse,前者专指使用该网站的用户,而后 ……
协会解释,google表示“在互联网上进行搜索”,而非谷歌公司的名称。Tweet则是指通过微型博客网站Twitter发送的短消息或者发送消息的行为。值得一提的是,twitter本意为“鸟鸣声”或“喋喋 ……
),鸟鸣欢快而诙谐(The birds jocoser sung),素来衣着庄重的阳光飞甩出了自己的帽子,果园里四处挂着闪光的亮片(The sunshine threw his hat away... the fete away)。后两节中,对夏雨的描写由微观转为宏观。扬尘的路面被洗刷一新(The dust replaced in hoisted roads),鸟鸣欢快而诙谐(The birds ……
environment mode;③ 划线部分作后置定语,修饰a valley。③ 划线部分作后置定语,修饰a valley。释义:我打开了内置的虚拟环境模式,这让我可以探索一个充满绿色植被和鸟鸣声的山谷。释义:我打开了内置的虚拟环境模式,这让我可以探索一个充满绿色植被和鸟鸣声的山谷。This may sound like a lazy act to many ……
the river, listening to the chirps (鸟鸣) of the birds and the rustling (树叶沙沙的响声) of leaves ……
学生将自己当作其中的一个现代农民角色去体会去创造新的理想农园,他们自己必定能听到布谷鸟鸣,看到禾壮苗绿,闻到稻谷飘香,感到播种的辛劳和收割的快乐,然后学生之间相互交流自己对理想中的农场不同的感受和想象。这样 ……