to be also honored with the top job.Fukuda is well known for hislow-key(低调的) anddown-to-earth(踏实的 ……
for the past three or four years.”Grounded意思是“通情达理的,踏实的”,即confident and reasonable because you ……
D. him to be not able进阶词汇down-to-earth adj.脚踏实地的,踏实的stand n. 立场intense adj. 激烈的,剧烈的 ……
motivated 积极主动的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的sensible 明白事理的steady 踏实的temperate 稳健的 ……
they are more willing to like stars who show real character and a down-to-earth (踏实的) personality ……
作为发言者的我,真切感受到学者们严谨、踏实的作风,从他们的发言中,我汲取到了新方法、新视角和新观念。中外专家的主旨发言,尽管方法、角度各不相同,但都围绕“英语教育”主题展开。正因...近距离接触了教学实践前沿。在下午的分会场中,有幸作为发言者的我,真切感受到学者们严谨、踏实的作风,从他们的发言中,我汲取到了新方法、新视角和新观念。在大会中,作为 ……
(踏实的) comeback after dropping out of the Beijing Olympic Games in August last year. He finished ……
more grounded (踏实的) than we’ve expected them to be. According to a recent survey by Bank of America... it on a vacation.“Despite their young age, this group is pragmatic (务实的) and actively planning for their future,” D ……
了的) and irresponsible. However, Gen Z is, in fact, more grounded (踏实的) than people think. According to a recent ……
语法方面最需要认真听讲,记好笔记。课堂笔记和讲义是重要的复习资料,需要反复翻看。大家也可以备一本语法书,但只作为参考书使用,不用系统地看。北京市人大附中 张童童 高考英语成绩:149分用以前学姐的话是“要像头踏实的老黄牛”,上课老师讲解时就用心去记下,做题时明确告诉自己这题是什么语法知识。做错的题要总结,千万不能让自己像没做过这题一样。福建省晋江市第一中学 周悦妮 高考英语成绩:144分语 ……
马里奥还是我们熟悉的那个水管工吗? 数 405 建议阅读时间 8分钟Super Mario has long been a household (家喻户晓的) name. To most people, he’s the down-to-earth (踏实的) plumber (水管工) who wears blue overalls and a red hat. He travels up ……
马里奥还是我们熟悉的那个水管工吗?词数 405 建议阅读时间 6分钟Super Mario has long been a household name. To most people, he’s the down-to-earth (踏实的) plumber (水管工) who wears blue overalls and a red hat. He travels up and down ……
: A slow but steady (踏实的) young man. He grows from a little boy into a big hero. He dies for his ……
者和帮助者的角色。在研究性学习的课堂教学中,笔者还特别注意培养学生认真的做事原则,通过踏实的探究实事求是地获得结论。在讨论中尊重学生的想法,不轻易否定学生,而是时时鼓励学生去提问、去探究、去发现,帮助学生树立自信心,培养他们严谨求实的科学态度和不断追求的进取精神。笔者之所以选择“Save the earth”这一主题让学生讨论,正是为了让学生了解科学对于自然、社会与人类的意义与价值,培养 ……
清华有着一种深深的认同感和归属感。学校踏实的学风,老师低调的为人,还有一代又一代的清华人胸怀祖国、为民族发展贡献力量的精神,给我留下了深刻的印象。我爱清华,骄傲与责任感同在。在此,我首先祝贺外文系建系85周年 ……