well inspire those lazy people to flash their pearly whites (洁白的牙齿) more often.2. It will make you ……
inspire those lazy people to flash theirpearly whites(洁白的牙齿) more often.2. It will make you happier. Even ……
years ago. It is a good idea to change a toothbrush every three months.BONUS如何形容牙齿?straight teeth整齐的牙齿pearly white teeth像珍珠一样洁白的牙齿gleaming teeth 闪闪发光的牙齿 ……
异国的消费者易于理解商标的含义,并增加对其商品的好感。音意混译法,这种译法既能“言传”原有读音,又能让消费者“意会”其内涵。如牙膏“Colgate”被译作“高露洁”,不仅读音上接近英文,而且突出了牙膏能洁白牙齿的信息,表现出“洁白的牙齿不怕露”的意义。同样译法的成功案例有很多:Goldlion金利来,让人联想狮子般的气势和滚滚而来的钱财;Benz奔驰,较易激起人们对车的向往;Ericsson爱立信,给人 ……