robot, SDR-4X, can sing and dance.But for automaker (汽车制造商) Honda Motor Co Ltd, such machines should ……
lines and is now able to make 1,200 protective medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商... protective medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production ……
day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production lines into mask-making... and is now able to make 1,200 protective medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have ……
protective medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned... medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production ……
. P7 (在油价不断上涨以及人们对环境日益重视的情况下,汽车制造商们开始致力于推出更多环保车型。)3. comb: v. 彻底搜寻某物,惯用搭配为"comb through sth. (for sb ……
percent for men.美国通用汽车公司12月10日宣布,玛丽·巴拉将于1月15日就任该公司首席执行官。通用汽车公司因此成为美国三大汽车制造商中首家任命女性领导人的公司。巴拉自18岁从通用汽车的工程部门干起,一直做到这家全美销量第一的汽车制造商的产品开发部门全球主管,如今,她将接替自2010年以来任首席执行官、现年65岁的丹·阿科尔森。However, women hold just 4.5 ……
automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production lines into mask-making lines. Guangzhou... suits (医疗防护服) every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production lines ……
and is now able to make 1,200 protective medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商) in China have... their production lines and is now able to make 1,200 protective medical suits every day. Several automakers (汽车制造商 ……
automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production lines into mask-making lines. All... automakers (汽车制造商) in China have also turned their production lines into mask-making lines. Sharing ……
young consumers and legacy automakers (传统汽车制造商) to shift focus to electric vehicles”, noted... young consumers and legacy automakers (传统汽车制造商) to shift focus to electric vehicles”, noted ……
to become the world's most profitable car maker. P6 (丰田公司的利润额上升了67%,成为世界上最赚钱的汽车制造商。)6. intelligence ……
的原型车。与此同时,谷歌也正在与经验丰富的汽车制造商进一步展开合作,力争在2020年前让自动驾驶汽车上市。此外,其他国家的汽车制造商也正在研制无人驾驶系统,比如宝马、奥迪等。ence how we feel...网就是物物相连的互联网,即它的用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物品与物品之间,使得他们能够进行信息交换和通信。世界上的万事万物,小到手表、钥匙,大到汽车、楼房,只要嵌入一个微型感应芯片,将它们“智能化”,这个 ……
译为“dynamic vehicle”,而应根据其不用油的共性,将该词译为“non-petrol vehicle”。背景:动能车是以石油之外的能源动力来驱动的新型汽车。由于油价居高不下,各汽车制造商...,“白领奴隶”的简称。“奴隶主”可能是房子、汽车、奢侈品。白奴都是典型的提前消费一族,但是,提前享受物质生活的同时,他们又会产生强烈的焦虑情绪。一般来说,月供占白奴收入的50%-60%以上,他们 ……
一些人为了让自身产生流感抗体而主动亲近症状轻微的甲流患者,与其共同举办swine flu party(猪流感派对),但是这种做法遭到医生的一致反对。美国汽车制造商通用汽车的英文缩写是GM,即General Motors。由于金融危机,通用汽车不得不依靠政府的大规模金融援助得以生存 ,美国联邦政府也因此成为通用汽车的最大股东。因此,人们把GM两个字母所代表的单词改为Government Motors,也就是“政府汽车”,折射 ……
拥有全国一流的国家级商务英语教学团队,因此我们要充分发挥这一优势,开展对外商务英语培训。例如,我们为全国第三大汽车制造商北汽福田集团举办了5期为期3个月的培训班。最近,中国 ……