10月中旬,由世界著名英语剧团——英国TNT剧团演出的《驯悍记》(Taming of the Shrew)将登上国家大剧院的舞台,为中国观众带来一场英语戏剧盛宴,该剧也成为今年“永远的莎士比亚”第三届国际戏剧季的首场外国戏剧表演。10月开幕的第三届国际戏剧季中,来自世界各地的戏剧精英济济一堂,共同献上莎士比亚的经典戏剧作品。作为全球巡演国家和场次最多的英语剧团,TNT仅上个演出季就在30个国 ……
杰出大学的背后必有杰出的领导者. 西南联大设有校务委员会,由3位校长任主席:张伯苓. (南开大学校长)、蒋梦麟(北京大学校长)、梅贻琦(清华大学校长). 前两位老教育家为了支持校长负责制一元化领导,公推年轻的梅贻琦校长主持校务,他二位退居二线,留守重庆,从国民政府教育部方面谋求对西南联大的实力支持. ……
《西游记》:电视荧屏上永远的经典。PAGES 4-5China’s first fantasy TV series was, is and probably always will be a fan favorite. What has made it so popular? ……
不论发生什么,我们都是永远的朋友不论发生什么,我们都是永远的朋友 What do friends mean to you? You can take a look at Shin and Itsuki in the new Japanese film Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends (《妖怪手表:永远的朋友》). It came out ……
, everlasting等。丹尼尔·雷德克里夫在好莱坞星光大道留下了自己永恒的印记,在所有哈迷的心中,他也是永远的三次元哈利·波特。 21st ……
永远的飞人,不老的战神。永远的飞人,不老的战神。HE is a basketballlegend(传奇人物) and many people believe he's the greatest NBA player of hisera(时代).Michael Jordan, who turns 40 on February 17, had planned toretire(退役 ……
game-play moments.---------------------------------------chronicle: 编年史eternal: 永远的graphic: 图形,画面 ……
奶奶是我永远的坚强后盾。词数 165 建议阅读时间 5分钟MY grandmother is 60 years old. She has shortstraight(直的) hair and bright eyes. She is very fat but very lovely. She always has a charming smile on her face. She is also ……
永远的“流行天王”迈克尔·杰克逊。词数 278 建议阅读时间 4分钟 WHEN he was at the height of his powers, people loved to gossip (说长道短) about his controversial (有争议的) personal life. But it’s only Michael Jackson’s talent ……
永远的“闪电侠”韦德!词数 226 建议阅读时间 6分钟HE runs between two defenders (后卫), crosses over a third, and a couple of seconds later his team has two more points. He is fast and calm. No one can stop him. Who is he ……
泰迪熊:英国孩子永远的好朋友。MOST kids in Britain have a lovely pet bear. This animal is both furry (毛茸茸的) and friendly. But it cannot move or make any noise. That’s because it is a teddy bear. Most teddies ……
永远的“星空”—— 纪念荷兰画家梵高逝世125周年。ONE man could make an empty canvas (画布) come to life and look like a night sky. Dutch (荷兰的) artist Vincent van Gogh is being remembered for his beautiful artwork this year ……
. For example, “520” means “I love you”, “1,314” means “eternal (永远的) love”, “666” means “hoping ……
为詹姆斯是有史以来最伟大的全能篮球运动员。对我来说,詹姆斯是永远的神。GOAT是Greatest of All Time的缩写,意思即为“史上最伟大的”,也可以理解成“永远的... is the GOAT.我认为詹姆斯是有史以来最伟大的全能篮球运动员。对我来说,詹姆斯是永远的神。GOAT是Greatest of All Time的缩写,意思即为“史上最伟大的”,也可 ……
Michael Jackson’s music and character inspired others. FILE PHOTO永远的“流行天王”迈克尔·杰克逊。词数 280 建议阅读时间 4分钟 永远的“流行天王”迈克尔·杰克逊。词数 280 建议 ……