类课程,如“英语国家概况”等主要考查学生对该课所授知识点的掌握情况。而“口语”“写作”“听力”等技能类课程则主要考查学生是否达到了该课程所要求的相关语言能力。想要设计出一份能准确考查学生真实水平的...应体现出该课程的基本要求,较难题和难题则有助于反映出不同学生的水平和能力。第四,试卷所包含的考题类型和题量要适当,考题项目的数量以三至四个为宜,最好不要超过五个。如写作试卷,并非只能设置“命题作文”这一 ……
多重环节测评教师能力 组织研讨提升教师素质
常规的评估表填写,教学总监还会每三个月对教师的实际授课情况进行抽查,从而及时纠正教师在授课过程中的不当之处,以及和教师共同探讨其教学水平的提高方法。米柯总监提到:“在对教师提意见的时候,教学...编者按:录用到好的教师仅仅是一个良好的开端,如何在日常的教学中对现有师资进行管理和考核,也是提高师资质量、完善师资建设的重要方面。培训机构通过组织教师交流、研讨不仅能提高教师的教学水平,而且 ……
自身素养,为教学内容、教学方式、教学评价、资源开发、教材编写和教师培训等方面的改进和提升带来更多启示。新版义教英语课标增设了对教师研究和培训的指导建议。新版义教英语课标增设了对教师研究和培训的指导建议。教师的专业化水平...教研和教师携手从“课改”走向“改课”,不断提升教师的专业素养,全面促成学生核心素养的形成与发展。教师的专业化水平是有效实施英语课程的关键,新版 ……
How can you find southHold the watchhorizontal(水平的) and point the hour hand towards the sun. South ishalf-way(中间) between the hour hand and 12 o'clock. ……
state-of-the-art最先进水平的,最优良的The company employs state-of-the-art machines to produce the best cars.这家公司使用了目前最先进的机器来生产性能最棒的汽车。 ……
be vertical (垂直的), horizontal (水平的), or diagonal (斜的), forwards or backwards (倒着的). Here are some...的), horizontal (水平的), or diagonal (斜的), forwards or backwards (倒着的). 1.   ……
be vertical (垂直的), horizontal (水平的), or diagonal (斜的), forwards or backwards (倒着的).Here are some words...的), horizontal (水平的), or diagonal (斜的), forwards or backwards (倒着的). 1. spider2 ……
translated into a horizontal (水平的) force that pushes the egg up on its end, where it spins."We noted ……
to do it1. Hold your watch in your hand. Try to keep it level (水平的). Or you can put it on the ground ……
. 增加above-average:高于一般水平的。 Words & expressionsWords & expressionsWords & expressionsaffect v. 影响increase v. 增加above-average:高于一般水平的。 affect v. 影响affect v. 影响increase v. 增加increase v. 增加above ……
(一片草叶)How to do1. Hold4 your watch in your hand. Try to keep it level (水平的). Or you can put ……
.Underachiever原指“成绩未达应有水平的学生”,这里表“低成就,表现不理想的人”,如: The manager is an underachiever in taking responsibility。类似 ……
took us to a wooden (木制的) house. He put a level (水平仪) on a board (木板) in the house. The level showed that the board was flat (水平的). Then he put a ball at one side of the board. An amazing thing happened ……
STRIPES, like blacks, whites and grays, somehow go with just about everything. This season the look has come back in a big way.Stripes make a big statement. Be they horizontal (水平的), vertical (垂直 ……
), depending on their height. Earthquakes have frequencies too. If the horizontal (水平的) shaking from ……