to fail.(我以前冒犯过那个教授。我死定了。)Chris: Don't jump to conclusions. I don't think he's so mean.(别太早下结论。我觉 ……
Shaw, women's director for USA Wrestling Connecticut. "And if he doesn't, he'sdead meat(死定了 ……
't disturb me any more. Otherwise, you're dead meat. (别再妨碍我了。否则,你死定了。)I can stand by my numbers and I can ……
like this. They need a scapegoat.妙语点津●We’re all fried: 此处的意思是“我们死定了”。这是一个接近于美国俚语的表达,类似的表达还有 “You’re ……
’m dead meat (死定了).”He looks up from his prayer, and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes ……
in. Making sense“你如果那么干的话,你就死定了,”妻子对丈夫说。韦纳的职业生涯肯定是要受到重创,但他的行为给家庭带来的困境却是像奥斯汀夫妇这样的伴侣之间讨论最多的话题。这次,问题 ……
口语中还会说I’m a dead person,说话者通常是发生了不好的事情,表示“我死定了”。About the show2 Broke GirlsNetwork: CBSNumber of season ……
进Dead Meat (“死定了”,本文作者给Rod Blagojevich的绰号)做工精良的蓝西服的袖口里,消失不见了。他几乎纹丝未动,宣判他败诉的法官离他仅有几英尺。牢狱之灾即将降临。即便这样,他的 ……