specialist n. 专家related to: 与...相关well-balanced adj. 很平衡,很均匀的European Union: 欧洲联盟,简称"欧盟... Union: 欧洲联盟,简称"欧盟"visible adj. 看得见的backpack n. 背包specialist n. 专家related to: 与...相关well-balanced adj ……
. 推动,促进European Union: 欧洲联盟,简称"欧盟"urge v. 敦促HELPHELPHELPglobal warming: 全球变暖melt v. 融化criticize v. 批评take office: 就任(总统)promote v. 推动,促进European Union: 欧洲联盟,简称"欧盟"urge v. 敦促global warming: 全球变暖melt v ……
research in most European Union (欧洲联盟) countries, but Zavos said that fact was not slowing progress ……
Cup andUEFA Cup(欧洲联盟杯). If they won, it would be a Scottish flag that's raised.Football in the UK ……
诺德) club in theNetherlands(荷兰). He played an important part in Feyenoord'sUEFA Cup(欧洲联盟杯) win... during the NBAWestern Conference(西部联盟) Finals. By beating Mavericks 4-2 in Texas, Spurs earned its trip ……
摘自: Sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
in the paper and on which page.Which topic should come out on the front page,European Union(欧洲联盟) or bears ……
.Another important club competition in European football is the UEFA Cup (欧洲联盟杯). Clubs qualify..., at club level in Europe, the most important competition is the Champions League (欧洲联赛冠军杯). Each ……
warned the US to make sure the prisoners are treated lawfully. And the European Union (欧洲联盟 ……
of Europe”. 欧洲联盟的总部就在这里。这座“原子模型”是布鲁塞尔的标志建筑。It is a science museum.Cool and wet阴雨连绵It’s cool in the summer..., beautiful country in Europe (欧洲). Do you know about the famous peeing boy (小尿童)? Belgium is his ……
来简洁易记。英语新闻标题中出现的缩写词主要分为三类:1.组织机构等专有名称,如:EU=European Union(欧洲联盟) 。2.常见事物的名称,如:DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道·琼斯 ……
进入法国一家工厂进行加工,之后转卖给另一法国公司设在卢森堡的工厂,该工厂将马肉填入各种冷冻面、肠、饼,送往欧洲各国的大超市。马肉疑在法国时被换成了“牛肉”标签。文化1欧洲联盟,简称欧盟,是一...要点提示内容:解读欧洲马肉风波新闻:从今年1月中旬以来,以马肉冒充牛肉的丑闻波及英国、法国、德国等多个欧洲国家,事件还在持续发酵蔓延中。欧盟各国农业部长已达成协议,要在 ……
,欧盟意识到,外语教育必须跳出工具化的传统理念,并能够担负起教书育人的职责和使命。外国语言文化的教育由此被提升到培养具有民主、开放意识的欧洲公民的高度,其中核心的思想就是建设一个多元化语言的欧洲。《共参框架》中阐释的许多教育理念已成为当代欧洲语言政策的指导思想和理论基石。从长远看,欧洲联盟必将加大语言多元化政策的力度,采取具体措施推动整个欧盟的外语教学在目标、内容、手段,以及 ……