THE US presidents (总统) live in the White House. They work in the Oval Office (椭圆形办公室). What is in the Oval Office? Let's have a look.There are two flags (旗子) behind the President's desk. One ……
visitors a seven-minute guide to theOval Office(椭圆形办公室). He describes how much he likes the big ……
奥巴马的总统办公室有哪些亮点?After 18 months as President, Barack Obama has finally put his own stamp on the Oval Office (椭圆形办公室). On August 31, when he addressed the nation about the end of the war in Iraq ……
.The ‘gold’ office办公室换“金”装US presidents work in the Oval Office (椭圆形办公室) in the White House. Each new ……
一提到白宫,人们自然而然地会联想到诸如Oval Office(椭圆形办公室)、the First Family(第一家庭)等词语。殊不知这个美国总统官邸还是一个造词温室,为美国英语增添或普及了不少别有趣味甚至经久不衰的词汇,而它们的创造者既包括白宫的入住者本人,也包括他的幕僚或两院中的同事。第三任总统托马斯杰斐逊是造词最多的总统之一。早在1788年,他在《弗吉尼亚笔记》一书中创造了表示“使变 ……
完全是从你们的利益出发的”,为自己在学校禁止炸薯球(tot)的行为找了一个冠冕的解释,让Mercedes无以辩驳。尼克松上台后不久便下令在白宫椭圆形办公室、内阁会议室、行政办公大楼办公室 ……