, thegovernment(政府) is going to build abridge(桥) over the river. It will help the children. ……
用“手”托起的桥,你见过吗?Are there any bridges (桥) in your hometown? There probably are. But the Cau Vang Bridge in Vietnam is quite special. The bridge is in the Ba Na Hills near Danang. It sits 980 meters ……
编者的话:Layton 穿上短裤和T-恤,戴上太阳镜。他要去哪儿呢?对,动物园!与本期内容配套的是PEP小学英语义务教育教材四年级下册的Unit 3。学习词汇:market 市场 hospital 医院 bridge 桥 pass 路过看故事填空:Layton is in Egypt. He is going to the zoo. He puts on his ______, T-shirt ……
中国不只有功夫电影。China’s film industry (产业) started when New China was born. It started in 1949 with a movie called Bridge (《桥》). After that, the industry experienced some ups and downs. It really began ……
“年轻”的中国电影正大步向前。China’s film industry (产业) started when New China was born. It started in 1949 with a movie called Bridge (《桥》). After that, the industry experienced some ups and downs. It really ……
, CHINAGold Prize: Plastic Invasion《塑料入侵》 DIEGO HERRERA, CANADAPrize of Excellence: Bridge《桥》 SERGEY ……
“年轻”的中国电影正蓬勃发展。China’s film industry (电影产业) is young. But it has developed quickly (迅速发展) in recent years. It all started with a movie called Bridge (《桥》), which came out in 1949. Since ……
被关注的“桥”的翻译已经得到规范,比如,“立交桥”今后将全部译为Bridge,而当”桥”指代地名时,则使用汉语拼音标注。一直以来,即使在北京、上海这样的国际化大都市,街道名称、交通标识、商店招牌、旅游 ……
用韵多属随意,唐朝定型的格律诗用韵则须循规。此歌句句用韵,但“摇”和“桥”在唐韵属平声宵韵(韵母-iao),“糕”属平声豪韵(韵母-ao...意的。民歌用韵多属随意,唐朝定型的格律诗用韵则须循规。此歌句句用韵,但“摇”和“桥”在唐韵属平声宵韵(韵母-iao),“糕”属平 ……
对图片中物象的表情和动作进行描写,可自成一段,但不要超过整体的三分之一的篇幅。特别注意对果树、网、桥、峡谷的描写和对位置相互关系的表述要确切。3. 解图和议图:确定合理的突破角度,找出物象的象征意义和寓意,进行议论。联系现实生活,找到 ……
.”这句话中的“bridge”不是“桥”的意思,而是“桥牌”。总而言之,词汇教学是英语教学中的一个重要环节,教师若要提高词汇教学的效果,必须注意引导学生,发挥学生善于联想的特点,使学 ……