Its body is a thin, round slice of apple. The “feathers” on it are pineapple slices. Its eyes are blueberries (蓝莓) and its crest (冠) is made of strawberries (草莓). The feet and nose are all made ……
and down, and shows his bright yellowcrest(冠) to the music.The couple keep more than 30 birds ……
. He has a big red comb (冠) on his head. He has beautiful feathers. He crows (打鸣) every morning. She ……
;。类似表达还有too close to call,用法:The result is too close to call。战神不老,纳达尔挽救赛点夺取巴塞罗那公开赛第12冠。Neck and neck...尔挽救赛点夺取巴塞罗那公开赛第12冠。 ……
Federer’s big win费德勒夺大满贯第18冠!Cheer for Roger Federer! The Swiss tennis player won his 18th Grand Slam title (大满贯头衔). Though he is 35 years old, he is still very athletic (竞技的). This year, he went ……
费德勒夺100冠,用自己的方式抵抗时间。词数 301 建议阅读时间 6分钟 测试见IV版Winning one professional tennis championship (锦标赛) is difficult. Imagine winning 100 of them! Swiss tennis star Roger Federer, 37, did just that on March 2 ……
Jazz 犹他爵士队Skills Challenge技 巧 挑 战 赛 冠 军In the Playstation Skills Challenge, four players have to play...: 2.11mTeam: Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队Slam-dunk contest champion灌 篮 冠 军If people had to find a word ……
in 1938. ---------------------------------------ape: 猿Big-foot: 大足怪coelacanth: 腔棘鱼crown: 冠extinct: 灭绝 ……
破茧成蝶,穆雷首“冠”。词数 220 建议阅读时间 6分钟BRITISH tennis player Andy Murray waited seven years before he could realize his *Grand Slam dream. On September 11, Murray beat defending (卫冕的) champion Novak Djokovic ……
helpful!Did you know?There is a kind of bird called the umbrella bird. Its crest (冠) is like an ……
helpful!Did you know?There is a kind of bird called the umbrella bird. Its crest (冠) is like an ……
“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海. ”在声情并茂地朗诵李白的《行路难》之前,来自山东省的高中组选手钟翔宇选手吹奏了一曲洞箫;随即他又用竹笛吹奏了一曲,并用流畅地道的英文朗诵了这首诗的英文版Hard. is. the. ……
分别由上海外国语大学附属外国语学校的王席文、南京外国语学校的苗芃芃、西南大学附属中学校的涂潇睿获得。初中组冠、亚、季军分别由香港拔萃男书院的曾庆伦、上海外国语大学附属外国语学校的汪汇辰、广东实验中学的邬佩珂获得。小学组(高年级组)冠、亚、季军分别由苏州外国语学校的戴之菲、华南师范大学附属小学的钟耀鸿、杭州胜利小学的周奕娴获得。小学组(低年级组)冠、亚、季军分别由北京市京源学校的胡语桐、杭州市余杭区信达外国语学校的骆云、上海 ……
钱塘江畔,三秋桂子,十里荷花. 在杭州国际博览中心,54位元气满满的小选手,站在“第三届中国日报社‘21世纪杯’少儿英语大会”总决选的舞台上熠熠生辉. 历时7个月,历经20个选区的层层选拔和激烈角逐,这群4至8岁的英语小达人们一路过五关斩六将,从全国20余万名选手中脱颖而出,登上总决选的荣耀舞台. 机器人、圣诞老人、小飞象、红鼻子、小猴子轮番上阵,这群怀揣着梦想的孩子凭借惟妙惟肖、生动有趣的表演,在现场打造了一场英语嘉年华. ……
将邀请世界各地的英语教师到京观摩,进行学术交流。无标题文档 冠、亚、季军指导老师经验分享 王文宇(冠军获得者、南京大学陈星辅导教师): 指导学生参加演讲比赛是一个教师团队的合作过程,需要各有专攻的教师集体配合、群策...,每次辩论后,教师都会及时与选手总结经验和不足,以逐步提高选手的演讲技巧。冠、亚、季军指导老师经验分享 王文宇(冠军获得者、南京大学陈星辅导教师): 指导学生参加演讲比赛是一个教师团队的合作过程,需要 ……