什么样的英语老师最受中学生欢迎?近期的“第一英语”杯全国师生海外游学世纪行竞赛活动中的众多参赛征文表达了众多参赛者不同的看法。此次赛事的作文命题为"The English Teacher I Admire Most",在所有参赛文章中,约有40%的中学生提到最欣赏授课有创意、形式多样且生动有趣的英语老师;约28%的学生喜欢年轻、友善和幽默的英语老师;约20%的学 ……
for students’ mental (精神的) health. Some of the activities had very creative (有创意的) names, such as “Hammer away... care for students’ mental (精神的) health. Some of the activities had very creative (有创意的) names ……
最有创意的防盗——染色绵羊John Heard is a farmer. He lives in the UK. He raises sheep. He lost (丢失) about 200 sheep over the past five years. But now the thief will never steal6 his sheep. John dyes (染色) his ……
“种植”美味的花朵How to make a simple and creative (有创意的) dish? You may try these vegetable and fruit flowers. Do it with the help of your parents!cucumber (黄瓜)cherry tomatofresh spinach leave (新鲜菠菜叶)small ……
(泥土模型) making classes on Oct 9. Students were very creative (有创意的). They made flowers, cakes ……
Playground turns into theater of dance让我们戴上面具,嗨翻整个校园!THE playground of Shenyang No 5 Middle School, Liaoning, turned into a theater of fun. Students wore different masks (面具) and put on creative (有创意的 ……
. The most creative (有创意的) boat will win the race. ……
最强“鸟人”飞越天际。COME and join in the Birdman game! The UK holds this every year. Players wear creative (有创意的) clothes and use a flying machine. They jump off an 11-meter-high platform (平台). And they try ……
斯男子打造各种奇形怪状的自行车。Bicycles can be creative (有创意的)! Igor Baronas from Russia has made about 200 unusual... be creative (有创意的)! Igor Baronas from Russia has made about 200 unusual bicycles – big and small, in all ……
creative (有创意的). Astracraft (《重装上阵》) is my favorite game. In this game, you can make your own... to play. At the same time, it helps you become more creative (有创意的). Wu Linfeng, 13,  ……
甜甜的圣诞老人Christmas is coming! Do you want creative (有创意的) gifts? Let’s change1 these strawberries into Santa Clauses!What you need:● Strawberries● Cream (奶油)● Black sesame (黑芝麻)How to make one:1. Cut ……
become more creative (有创意的). This class taught me to be patient and careful. It also helped me become more creative (有创意的). This class taught me to be patient and careful. It also helped me ……
有创意的椰子明信片。“HAVE a good holiday – send me a coconut (椰子)!” It might sound mad. But try asking a friend who is preparing a trip to Hawaii for a fruit postcard, and you might be surprised. According ……
创意露天酒店让你以星空为被。Are you looking for creative (有创意的) ways to cool off this summer? You may want to stay in this special hotel room in the Swiss Alps (瑞士阿尔卑斯山). It was built without walls. Guests can ……
at this university is very creative (有创意的). In November, the canteen held a “potato dish festival”. Potatoes...高校食堂大摆创意“土豆宴”。Many people think university canteens (大学食堂) in China have bad food ……