建设高校,较原“985工程”所在的16个省份增加了3个,在建设世界一流大学的同时,也逐渐填平了部分高等教育的“洼地”。其中,北京依旧是“双一流”大学建设高校最多的省份,共有8所。上海有4所,紧随...行列。北大、清华入围学科最多北大清华分别以41和34个一流学科入围,一骑绝尘,是中国名副其实的两校,其中北大以文理医见长,而清华一理工和管理见长。浙大、复旦、和上海交大分别拥有18和17个一 ……
根据文章内容填空,每空最多填2个字。 ……
蜗牛是世界上牙齿最多的动物。Some snails (蜗牛) have 15,000 teeth. ……
手指和脚趾最多的人Hi, my name is Devendra Harne. I'm from India. I'm 12 years old. I have 12 fingers and 13 toes. ……
Hairiest manLarry is an artist (艺术家). He looks very different from other people. He has so much hair. He is the hairiest (最多发的)man in the world. ……
收集米老鼠纪念品最多的人Janet Estevez is from the US. She is a super (超级) Mickey Mouse fan. She has 2,760 Mickey Mouse toys, the most in the world. She began collecting (开始收集) them in 1960. ……
单手拿最多马克杯的人How many mugs (马克杯) can you hold (拿) in one hand? British boy Chris May can hold 16. He is the world’s best mug holder. He says the secret (秘密) is thin handles (细杯柄). ……
Dogs love skipping最多狗狗同时跳绳Can dogs skip (跳绳)? Yes. Look! These 13 dogs from Japan are skipping at the same time. They set the record (创造纪录) for the most dogs skipping on the same rope (绳子). Great! ……
最多狗狗同时跳绳。CAN dogs skip? Yes. Look! These 13 dogs from Japan are skipping at the same time. They set the record for the most dogs skipping on the same rope. There were many different breeds (品种 ……
衔网球最多的狗狗I’m Augie. I’m a dog in the US. I have a big mouth. I can hold five tennis balls in my mouth at one time. It’s the world record. I am very proud of (骄傲的) myself. ……
叼网球最多的狗。I AM Augie. I’m a dog in the US. I have a big mouth. I can hold five tennis balls in my mouth at one time. It’s the world record. I am very proud of myself. 21st ……
最多的星战纪念品收藏Steve Sansweet is from the US. He is 68 years old. He is a big Star Wars (星球大战) fan. He has about 300,000 Star Wars items (物品). It is the largest Star Wars collection5 in the world. ……
Largest collection of video games最多的电子游戏收藏Michael Thomasson lives in the US. He is 43 years old. He is a video game fan. Michael has 10,607 games. It is the largest collection of video games ……
收集披萨盒最多的人Scott Wiener likes pizza, but he likes pizza boxes more. The American man has 595 pizza boxes from 42 countries. He thinks they are beautiful. He even wrote a book about his boxes. ……
收集披萨盒最多的人。SCOTT Wiener likes pizza, but he likes pizza boxes more. The American man has 595 pizza boxes from 42 countries. He thinks they are beautiful. He even wrote a book about his boxes. ……