1月12日,在“东学西渐 文化复兴”英语教育行业年度大会上,我国著名翻译家许渊冲先生被中国日报社•21世纪英语教育传媒授予“中华传统文化传播终身成就奖”,主办方向许老在传统文化传播方面所做出的杰出贡献致敬。许渊冲先生在诗歌翻译领域有着极深的造诣,对于中西文化都有着深刻的理解。他的译著在国内外获得了无数赞誉,其英译的《楚辞》被美国学者誉为“英美文学领域的一座高峰”;英译的《西厢记》被英 ……
清华授予阿罗约总统荣誉博士学位Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was awarded the title of honorary doctor by Tsinghua University last Tuesday. This is to praise her efforts in the friendship between China ……
近日,教育部面向全国下发了《教育部关于授予陈琳同志“全国优秀教师”荣誉称号的决定》(教师 8号),授予陈琳教授“全国优秀教师”荣誉称号。《决定》称,“陈琳同志是立德树人、敬业奉献的教师楷模,以浓厚的家国情怀和强烈的社会责任感,为外语教育事业奋斗70载,为推动中国外语教育发展做出了卓越贡献,是生动践行“四有”好老师和“四个相统一”要求的杰出榜样。 ……
of the Shenzhou XII mission were awarded medals for their contributions. Top authorities conferred (授予... mission were awarded medals for their contributions. Top authorities conferred (授予) a First-class Space ……
for their contributions (贡献). Top authorities conferred (授予) a First-class Space Service Medal on Nie Haisheng...人员) of the Shenzhou XII mission were awarded medals for their contributions (贡献). Top authorities conferred (授予 ……
,000 items being scanned and sold every second. Barcode technology was first patented (授予... patented (授予专利) in the US in 1952. The idea of the barcode system was not accepted at first by grocery ……
(机构) granting (授予) professional degrees has increased from 37.6 percent to 44.2 percent over the last... the same period.The percentage of institutions (机构) granting (授予) professional degrees has increased ……
restrictions that hold women back from achieving economic empowerment. Empowerment动词为empower,指“授予 ……
“授予,赠与”,常见词组是bestow sth on/upon sb;表示“赐予奖章或荣誉”还能用present the prize to, or give the honor to。11月30日,美洲岛国巴巴多斯改制为共和国,歌手蕾哈娜被授予“民族英雄”称号。 TEENS Bestow表示&ldquo ……
compared to being recognized on the soil that she grew from, Rihanna said.Bestow表示“授予,赠与&rdquo...月30日,美洲岛国巴巴多斯改制为共和国,歌手蕾哈娜被授予“民族英雄”称号。Bestow表示“授予,赠与”, 常见词组是bestow sth ……
在4月1日举行的中国翻译协会第八次会员代表大会上,中国译协授予在翻译与对外文化传播、中外文化交流以及各民族文化交流方面做出杰出贡献的王金圣、艾合买提·帕萨尔、安义运、赵振江、施燕华、唐家龙、潘耀华、薛范八位同志“翻译文化终身成就奖”,同时,授予117位长期活跃在我国外交外事、对外传播、社会科学、文学艺术、科技、民族语文、翻译理论与翻译教学、翻译 ……
上海举办的世界翻译大会的筹备情况。外研社社长被授予出版学荣誉博士学位近日,英国牛津布鲁克斯大学授予北京外国语大学副校长、外语教学与研究出版社社长李朋义出版学荣誉博士学位,以表彰他20余年来在中国出版业改革发展中所取得的成绩,以及在促进中英文化出版交流与合作方面所做出的突出贡献。据悉,这是国外大学首次授予中国出版工作者荣誉博士学位。据了解,布鲁克斯大学至今已有140年历史,是一所国际性和综合性高等学院。 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
---------------------------------------dub 授予称号physician 内科医师 ……
帽子戏法A: Did you watch the soccer game yesterday?B: Sure. Messi scored5 a hat trick. That’s great!hat trick (帽子戏法)源于19世纪英国流行的板球运动。比赛中,板球手连续用三个球得分,裁判便授予一顶帽子,作为荣誉的象征。后来,“帽子戏法”被引用到足球比赛中,指在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球。 ……
HE has been dubbed (授予称号) the “Most Handsome Boy in Asia”. Now Thai actor and supermodel Mario Maurer is bringing his freshness to China. His first Chinese movie, Love on That Day (《爱在 ……