中考词汇 press /pres/ v. 按,按动用法:及物动词,如:press a button 按下按钮。pressure n. 挤压,压力。He pressed a button and the door closed. ……
with the pencil.2. Hold1 the sugar cube between your thumb2 and your finger. Squeeze (挤压) the sugar cube hard.... Squeeze (挤压) the sugar cube hard. The number will be on your thumb.4.Hold your friend’s hand. Put your ……
猫咪后脖子上的镇定“开关”猫咪后脖子上的镇定“开关”Take out a clip (夹子). Squeeze (挤压) the skin at the back of a cat’s neck...的) and doesn’t move.Take out a clip (夹子). Squeeze (挤压) the skin at the back of a cat’s neck. Now ……
装在袋子里的光Does this look like a bag full of snacks? There is no food inside. There is a lightbulb (灯泡) instead! It is a flashlight (手电筒). Chinese designer Wu Weili made it. Squeeze (挤压) both sides ……
• Plastic squeeze (挤压) bottle of honey• Tall, clear jar of cold water• Microwave oven... stream (水流).2 Slowly squeeze (挤压) a thin stream of honey into the jar, gently move the bottle as you ……
who married them said. "But please don'tsqueeze(挤压) the dress."The dress looked like a regular ……
and says: “It’s easy.” He gives the cat a hard squeeze (挤压) around its middle. The cat lets out a long ……
the 3D images by moving, squashing (挤压) or stretching (拉伸). Six cameras are used to monitor ……
Who are we? There were two snakes talking. The first one said, “Are we the type of snakes who wrap (缠) ourselves around small animals and squeeze (挤压) until they’re dead? Or are we the type of snake ……
指关节为什么会咔咔作响?“CRACK! CRACK!” What is that sound? If you squeeze (挤压) your knuckles (指关节) together, they will make this sound. Many people think it feels good to do this. But why do our knuckles crack ……
; Plastic squeeze (挤压) bottle of honey• Microwave oven• Plastic squeeze (挤压) bottle of honey ……
it. Uh-oh! My suitcase is too full (满的). I can’t close it. Dad: Try to squeeze (挤压) it shut!Dad: Try to squeeze (挤压) it shut!It isn’t working. I’ll leave (留下) something at home.It isn ……
单挤柠檬,超简单Want some lemon juice? Use this tool (工具). Cut a lemon. Put one half in the tool. Squeeze (挤压... in the tool. Squeeze (挤压)! You get lemon juice! Did you know?Did you know ……
something really cute. We might want to squeeze (挤压) or bite it, but with no wish to hurt it. When...”. It describes the feeling we have when we see something really cute. We might want to squeeze (挤压 ……
legs, and the legs later grew back. It is true. Octopuses can also squeeze (挤压) their blood vessels... octopus ate its own legs, and the legs later grew back. It is true. Octopuses can also squeeze (挤压 ……