in a friendly game againstAlgeria(阿尔及利亚), in which he scored a goal.The game was part of the warm-up ……
a group of multimillionaire basketball players and tell them that beating the Algerian (阿尔及利亚 ……
. It took them 68 days from Canada.Quake destroys lives强烈地震夜袭阿尔及利亚A strong earthquake shook Algeria ……
of the national flag.----------------Algerian: 阿尔及利亚人apologetic: 歉意的acronym: 首字母缩写词astonishing: 惊人的blond ……
arrived at the borders of its neighbor countries, such as Egypt, Tunisia (突尼斯), and Algeria (阿尔及利亚 ……
搏动的)、heroic(英雄气概的)、historic(具历史意义的),来描述阿尔及利亚大胜韩国队的情景和意义。“The only Arab presence in the tournament ……
football in the slum area (贫民区) of Marseille (马赛), France, where he was raised by his Algerian (阿尔及利亚 ……
英语霸主地位依旧 法语势力蒸蒸日上
日前,"法语国家国际组织"(1970年,21个法语国家签署了成立文化技术合作局宪章,标志着法语国家国际组织的正式成立)公布了《2006年至2007年全球讲法语情况报告》,根据最新的统计数据,全球讲法语人数首次超过两亿,学习法语的人数也明显增加,目前已接近1100万人。在这些讲法语的人口中,42%生活在欧洲,39%在非洲。法国以6300万人口排在讲法语国家首位,其后依次是刚果民主共和国、阿尔及利亚 ……