作为以出版辞书和语言工具书为主的中外合资出版机构,商务印书馆国际有限公司在本届国际图书博览会期间,重点推出十余部特色鲜明的面向海内外读者的精品英语工具书. 在这批新书中,由我国著名英语学家、英语语法专家薄冰担任主编的“薄冰英语学习系列”图书,无疑将倍受读者关注. 该系列图书由多部英语词典和英语语法书组成,其中《薄冰英语常见共性问题解答》以问答的形式深入浅出地讲解了英语语法中的重点和难点,解答了广大读者在英语语法学习中所遇到的带有普遍性的各类问题. 《薄冰英汉双解词典》共收词目16000余条,除提供基本释义外,还结合广大学生使用英汉词典的特殊要求,提供了派生词、复合词、词组、习语、同义词、反义词以及“辨析”“词语搭配”“用法说明”等延伸内容. ……
谁动了我的香蕉?!KEEP your hands off my bananas! A young orangutan (红毛猩猩) has some bananas. But a monkey wants to take some. No way! The orangutan is angry. It’s protecting (保卫) his food with his fists (拳头 ……
, rather than a fist, whenever possible."你无法伸出拳头与别人握手。"——英迪拉·甘地(印度前总理)英迪拉·甘地巧妙解决冲突的能力使她两次成为印度总理。人们有不同的想法,发生冲突也很自然。但武力不是解决的方法。因此,与其挥舞拳头,不如伸出友谊之手。 ……
) twice (同步口号: 奥运......)Step 2. Stretch (伸出) out your arms. Make two fists (拳头) with your thumbs up (同步 ……
to sharpen2 pencils, we put up a fist (拳头). Then our teacher will nod (点头) to tell us “Yes”. We like ……
!” Word boxWord boxfinger 手指palm 手掌fist 拳头thumb up 竖起大拇指finger 手指finger 手指palm 手掌palm 手掌fist 拳头fist 拳头thumb up 竖起大拇指thumb up 竖起大拇指 ……
also have the "flagship product" (拳头产品) of a manufacturing company and "flagship store" (旗舰 ……
fist (拳头).Now a blind (瞎的) man has to buy scissors (剪刀). Question: how will he get it from ……
so hard that it is hitting the floor with its fists (拳头). It became so popular that Internet users ……
摘自: ★23333[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
试试表演这些好玩的魔术,让你的朋友们目瞪口呆!You will need: One rubber band (皮筋)How to play:1. Put the rubber band around your left first finger (食指) and middle finger (中指).2. Close your left hand into a fist (拳头).3. Open ……
of the sun from Earth:在相对地球而言的太阳背面。all grouped within a span smaller than a fist: 全部在一个比拳头...on the opposite side of the sun from Earth:在相对地球而言的太阳背面。all grouped within a span smaller than a fist: 全部在一个比拳头 ……
rulesPlayers:can touch and throw the ball with one hand onlycannot use fists (拳头) to hit ……
and elbows as well as kicks and punches (用拳头打击). ……
of my fist (拳头). I was so happy. It won the biggest strawberry in the competition.At the end ……
reminded fans of the comeback of the once *invincible Red Devil of England.Thump意为“用拳头重击”,经常 ……