美国中学生为什么拼车上学?课件及教案见网站 测试见7版IN the US, when your school doesn’t have a bus, and you live too far away to walk, you need a carpool (拼车). A carpool is a group of students sharing a car to school ……
拼车上学:节能又欢乐的出行方式。“BEEP, beep,” goes the car horn (喇叭). You run out of your home with your school backpack, and jump into the waiting car. Inside, your friends say “hey”. This is the daily car pool (拼车 ……
动词或名词,指“聚拢、共用”某物,如:We pooled ideas. (我们集思广益。) “拼车”还可说 car-sharing或ride-sharing。 ……
拼车car-sharingThe Spring Festival travel rush has seen the emergence of car-sharing websites, which...里“拼车”一般是多人合用一辆车,开车人拥有车辆使用权,但没有所有权,有点类似于在租车行里短时间包车,也叫做car pooling,或ride sharing和lift sharing (lift在这 ……
美国中学生为什么拼车上学?词数 240 建议阅读时间 7分钟 测试见7版 课件及教案见网站WEEKDAY mornings are very busy for US middle school... and always, always running late. When you’re late for the carpool (拼车), though, you make everyone ……
美国学生为什么钟爱拼车上学?“BEEP, beep,” goes the car horn (喇叭). You’ve got dressed, but you’ve not had time.... This is the daily car pool (拼车) to school.Car pools are a common way of transportation for many students ……
by the time and distance they travel. 共享汽车服务在国内的早期模式是通过租车行提供车辆租赁(car rental)服务,后来又开始出现个人拼车(car pooling ……
tired of John expecting me to give him a free ride to work everyday. 拼车car pool, v & n我们拼车去体育场吧,节约油费。Let's car pool to the stadium, so we can save on gas.几市政府希望市民拼车出行。The city government wants ……
and passengers.Hail作动词,表示“招呼;欢呼”。“叫车”表达为hail/call a car。其他几种常见的网约车有: 顺风车/拼车.../call a car。其他几种常见的网约车有: 顺风车/拼车 (ride sharing/ride hitching/carpooling)、快车 (fast ride)。独家版权exclusive ……
should look into carpooling too. It’s a simple way to contribute to environmental protection.— 近来我尽可能拼车上班来减少我的碳足迹。这是一个小改变,但积少成多。— 近来我尽可能拼车上班来减少我的碳足迹。这是一个小改变,但积少成多。— 真好。我也应该尝试拼车。这是一个为环保做贡献的简单方法。— 真好。我也应该尝试拼车 ……
to get through the forest by himself.Part 3 书面表达Part 3 书面表达近年来,拼车(Carpooling)成为了一种比较流行的交通方式。除了出租车和公交之外,它又给人们提供了一种新的选择。拼车既有利于环保又能缓解拥挤的交通。当然,它也有一些弊端。同学们请就拼车这种交通方式用英文写写自己的观点吧!提示:1. 什么是拼车;2 ……
减少往返的私车数量以缓解拥堵,美国许多城市在八九十年代修建了拼车车道(car pool lanes),以鼓励人们乘坐公共巴士或拼车。在这种车道上只能行驶乘坐两人以上的车辆,因此很少会塞车。乘坐 ……
:If Webster can't help you, you can always come to me – I'll do my best. "Carpool" (拼车) can be used as a verb ……
Jinyou.BONUS关于"拼……"* car pool, car-sharing, ride-sharing, lift-sharing 拼车* "share a meal" vs "go Dutch ……
of traffic. For example, there has been a sharp increase in the number of posts looking for carpooling (拼车 ……