我的偶像EXOMy idol (偶像) is a boy band1. Its name is EXO. It has 12 members2. ……
摘自: I love EXO[江苏省南京市拉萨路小学六(8)班 施胜岚, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
Palace (布达拉宫) is a famous building in Lhasa (拉萨). It is very old and beautiful. 它始建于唐朝,人们称它为“世界屋脊的明珠”。 ……
世界地理我知道1. ____ is on top of a mountain.A. London B. Beijing C. Lhasa (拉萨)2. _____ has more countries than any other continent (大陆).A. Africa B. Asia C. Europe3. The coldest continent (大洲 ……
forget this colorful school trip.江苏省南京拉萨路小学 杨紫璇 ……
我们骑到了拉萨我们骑到了拉萨Travel 10,000 miles or read 10,000 books? Dou Kaiyang, an 8-year-old boy, went... and arrived safely in Lhasa (拉萨).” “We each rode a bike and carried our luggage. I ……
with me in English. She is good at many subjects. I should learn from her.南京拉萨路小学 五(6)班 鲁东... is good at many subjects. I should learn from her.南京拉萨路小学 五(6)班 鲁东言 ……
with me in English. She is good at many subjects. I should learn from her.南京拉萨路小学 五(6)班 鲁东... is good at many subjects. I should learn from her.南京拉萨路小学 五(6)班 鲁东言 ……
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,法国总统尼古拉萨科奇在出访英国之前“恶补”英语,反复练习一些常用短语,以期能与英国女王伊丽莎白二世和首相戈登布朗在私人会晤中用英语交流,给他们留下深刻印象。报道说,如果萨科奇在会谈时一时无法用英语接话,其精通意、法、英三国语言的新婚妻子卡拉布吕尼可以助其一臂之力。据称,萨科奇之前很少在公众场合使用英语,而布朗的法语也相当糟糕。 ……
挑战配音本期小记者:南京市拉萨路小学 五(9)班 还心童 指导老师:史晓莹My school held the “Big mouth” English Festival last week. There were many activities. My friends and I dubbed part of Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》). Judy and Nick found ……
a primary school student and I study very hard. I love my family and I am proud of them. 江苏省南京市拉萨 ……
Dormouse (睡鼠): I am so sleepy. Hmm ... what is that nice smell?北京市东城区文汇小学 三(2)班 张潇允Dormouse: I’m getting a bit fat. I weigh the flower down (压弯了).南京市拉萨路小学 六(6)班 王希言Dormouse: It smells good and makes ……
日光城—拉萨Do you want to get closer to the sun? Let’s go to Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region (西藏自治区), China. Sunlight cityIn Lhasa, you can enjoy the sunshine almost every day. In summer ……
可以使用比特币购买一些虚拟的物品 (items),比如网络游戏当中的装备 (equipment) 等。比特币也可以兑换成大多数国家的货币。Lhasa tops list2016年中国最幸福城市:拉萨。 When...) of the ranking included things like the economy, security (安全), culture and entertainment (娱乐). 在拉萨市,受访 ……
more time with my family. Trust me, if you want to have a great day, try making handicrafts!南京市拉萨... spend more time with my family. Trust me, if you want to have a great day, try making handicrafts!南京市拉萨 ……
藏族风筝的“比武大会”藏族风筝的“比武大会”Kite flying competition in Lhasa (拉萨) are not about height or beauty... fighting game.Kite flying competition in Lhasa (拉萨) are not about height or beauty, but about ……