在诺贝尔奖颁发之际,每年一度的“傻瓜诺贝尔奖”也在哈佛大学隆重颁奖。For you and me, Nobel Prizes may be hard to come by. But are you aware that IgNobel Prize winners can simply be people who study nose-picking (抠鼻子) , for example ……
.这位读者不喜欢握手。你知道别人的手都用来干什么吗?那些手不仅仅会抠鼻子或挠屁股。 Never trust any man with a limp handshake. It’s got ……
委婉语,缩略语也用来避免直接谈论某一疾病,如:AIDS。● disgusting things such as vomit and nose picking——像呕吐或抠鼻子 ……
的人”,pass gas指“放屁”,pick your nose指“抠鼻子”。句子大意是,(那时)你会穿着宽松运动裤,头发凌乱不堪,行为举止变得粗俗。你会当着对方的面做一些原本私下才会做的事——比如打嗝,吃饭邋邋遢遢,放屁,抠鼻子——因为你觉得对方都不会介意。“Ideally, you want to be able to push the margins and be completely ……