逊转行做导演,执导的首部剧情长片《了不起的埃莉诺》日前开机。该片讲述了90岁的埃莉诺失去了最好的朋友,她从生活了几十年的佛罗里达搬到纽约,试图重建生活。Cross over意为“跨界,转变风格”。“寡姐”斯嘉丽·约翰逊转行做导演,执导的首部剧情长片《了不起的埃莉诺》日前开机。该片讲述了90岁的埃莉诺失去了最好的朋友,她从生活了几十年的佛罗里达搬到纽约,试图重建生活。Cross over意为“跨界,转变 ……
or direct (执导). But for now, he wants to carry on acting, enjoy high school and play a bit of fooball. ……
for long.Adamant意为“坚定不移的,固执的”,希安·拉博夫首次执导的短片被曝抄袭其他艺术家作品,一下成为众矢之的。声明退出公众视野不知是不是权宜之计。 ……
got 55 million yuan. Box office bomb指“票房毒药”,也可以说box office flop,卖座影片则是box office hit。文艺片名导陈果初次执导商业片,原想 ……
’s spoken for/taken。随着一组街头甜蜜热吻照的曝光,大表姐詹妮弗·劳伦斯的新恋情浮出水面,男友是曾执导过《黑天鹅》的美国著名导演。 ……
执导的长片处女作获得三项金酸莓奖,其中包括“最烂导演”奖。Generate controversy 意为“引发争议”。还可以用cause/trigger controversy 等。歌手Sia执导的长片处女作获得三项金酸莓奖,其中包括“最烂导演”奖。 ……
’s Renaissance tour. Beyonce wrote, directed (执导) and produced (监制) the film.Beyonce’s concert film...’s Renaissance tour. Beyonce wrote, directed (执导) and produced (监制) the film. Germany Juniors ……
称为“剧情片”。12月,美国女歌手“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特正式宣布将首次导演电影长片,探照灯影业称她已写好一个原创剧本,且会执导该片,具体信息此后公布。Feature film指的是“电影长片”。区别...夫特正式宣布将首次导演电影长片,探照灯影业称她已写好一个原创剧本,且会执导该片,具体信息此后公布。Feature film指的是“电影长片”。区别于几分钟的短篇电影,电影长片一般时长在30分钟或者以上,且通常以故事为主线,所以 ……
) between the film and internet industries.Directed (执导) by and starring Xu Zheng, the comedy is about... of cooperation (合作) between the film and internet industries.Directed (执导) by and starring Xu Zheng ……
) between the film and internet industries.Directed (执导) by and starring Xu Zheng, the comedy is about... of cooperation (合作) between the film and internet industries.Directed (执导) by and starring Xu Zheng ……
’s Renaissance tour. Beyonce wrote, directed (执导) and produced (监制) the film.Beyonce’s concert film... wrote, directed (执导) and produced (监制) the film.nowboarder Su wins again!nowboarder Su wins again!苏翊 ……
(执导) by famous American director Martin Scorsese. Many critics have chosen it as one of the top ten ……
友评选的最美校花,成为了2015年最红新人。《左耳》的导演,首次执导电影的台湾演员苏有朋不仅对陈都灵的气质赞赏有加,更表示陈都灵不愧为理科女生,即使在挫折面前也能保持头脑冷静,从不气馁。这也正是《左耳》女主角李珥的特质之一。 ……
大师级纪录片《地球四季》呼唤人类关注自然。Do you enjoy documentaries? A French one is showing in Chinese cinemas now. It’s called Seasons (《地球四季》) and is directed (执导) by French filmmakers Jacques Perrin and Jacques ……
雅思还将与EIC启德教育集团共同投资组建“启德环球教育咨询公司”。内地香港影片联手出征奥斯卡继香港导演李安执导的影片《断背山》获得2006年奥斯卡最佳导演奖后,内地导演冯小刚与张艺谋执导的影片《夜宴》与《满城 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]