教学让学生建立起广博深厚的知识结构,而社会实践帮助学生走出象牙塔,在实践中增长才干,提升综合素质。”费兰兰表示。今年暑假,浙江省绍兴市章镇镇王充小学的80多名小学生度过了一个特别而有意义的假期。今年暑假,浙江...会实践帮助学生走出象牙塔,在实践中增长才干,提升综合素质。”费兰兰表示。据了解,浙江大学外国语学院近年来坚持以学生成长为中心,全面践行浙江大学“人格、素质、能力、知识”融合 ……
, it B. us, itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves, itKey: CB进阶词汇gasoline n. 汽油capability n. 能力;才干 ……
;10月16日,中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会在北京人民大会堂开幕。习近平代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作报告。 习爷爷说:“青年强,则国家强。当代中国青年生逢其时,施展才干的舞台无比广阔,实现梦想的前景无比光明。”习爷爷说:“青年强,则国家强。当代中国青年生逢其时,施展才干的舞台无比广阔,实现梦想的前景无比光明。”本句英文翻译中remarkable表示“非凡的,卓越的”。Time表示 ……
contemporary "geniuses". In Chinese, the sentence is "任何时代的才干都很了不起。我们对才干的定义受到了时间和文化的影响,但天才永远不会消亡,只是 ……
wrote.Caliber表示“才干”,近义词有ability,capacity, competence等。洛杉矶湖人宣布正式签下中锋安德烈·德拉蒙德,考虑到詹姆斯和“浓眉哥”两位核心长时间伤停,德拉蒙德的加入将极大减轻湖人的内线压力。Caliber表示“才干”,近义词有ability,capacity ……
talent.奋斗锤炼本领,磨砺增长才干。Hard work builds ability, and adversity builds resilience.奋斗锤炼本领,磨砺增长才干。Hard ……
talents.“我们拥有某种天赋,并不代表我们就具有这方面的才干。如何利用好他们才是最关键的。”—— 玛德琳·兰格(美国小说家)—— 玛德琳·兰格(美国小说家)或许你天生具备好嗓子,与生俱来的舞蹈家的气质,或者 ……
重点讲解核心词汇specialize vi. 专门研究;专攻;专营搭配: specialize (in sth)词缀:-ize 表示以…方式处理或对待The restaurant specializes in seafood.ability n. 能力;才干搭配:ability (to do sth)He has the ability to bring out the best ……
of strange that he didn't come.ability n. 能力,才干用法:ability (to do sth)I don't doubt your ability to do ……
or any other musical instrument. I always admire those gifted (有才干的) with musical talent but can never ……
. 能力,才干(the power and knowledge to do something)She has the ability to pass the exam, but she has ……
he “demonstrates the perfect caliber (才干) and richest of career achievements”, according... the perfect caliber (才干) and richest of career achievements”, according to a statement released ……
.Zhang Suyang: Would you be loyal to your leader all the time even if your leader had nogifts(才干 ……
摘自: Debate[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高一版]
陈培玮:拍微电影,展大才干。YOU might admire award-winning directors such as Ang Lee and Steven Spielberg and dream of one day finding a career as a filmmaker. Nowadays, making a micro movie is one way to get ……
if your leader had no gifts (才干) at all? In the competitive world, it is quite dangerous. We should ……