could this happen to me? (我怎么会遇上这种 事呢?)当朋友难过和失望时, 你可以这样安慰他(她):1. Come on! It can't be as bad...就是这样,谁都有可能遇上这种事。)6. Take it easy. Better luck next time. (放松些,下次不会这么倒霉的。)7. After all, it's not the end ……
Frank: Foursailorsfell into the sea, but only one of them got his hair wet. Tom: How was that?Frank: Three of them were bald.你知道是怎么回事吗?弗兰克:四个水手落入大海,可是只有其中1个人把头发弄湿了。汤 姆:这是怎么回事呢?弗兰克:其中三个人是秃子。生词 ……
中考词汇suggest v. 建议用法:suggest doing sthIt's a nice day. I suggest going for a walk around our neighborhood.考点看台Why not put your time into making music?点拨:why not +do sth为什么不做某事呢?why not后面接动词原形,也可用why ……
制定家庭出游计划会遇到哪些烦心事呢?HAVE you ever helped your parents plan a family trip? If yes, you will know that planning activities together with family members can be fun, but it can also bring on some headaches ……
What was your first class on the first day of school? Math, Chinese, or English?Students from Jiyujie Primary School in Wuxi, Jiangsu listened to stories! What stories? 原来,曲延轩爷爷给他们讲打日本鬼子的故事呢!60多年前,日本 ……
记下成长的足迹Can you remember your happiest birthday? Can you tell an interesting story about it? 回忆一下自己的成长经历,你能想起多少有意义的事呢?How interesting and exciting it is to write down your growing-up stories ……
我讨厌我的蝴蝶结故事简介这只小狗心情真不爽!他不喜欢天天洗澡,也不喜欢老戴着蝴蝶结。没人和他玩,连婴儿和猫咪也跟他过不去。 不过他自有办法化“敌”为友,玩个乐翻天。怎么回事呢?快看故事吧。 I hate1 my bath2.I hate my bow3. I hate my chain4. I hate this baby.I hate this cat.Hi, guys. May I play ……
故事简介已经是中午了。可是保罗还没有起床。他很懒,很邋遢,也很调皮。他把房间搞得一团糟。突然有一天,保罗不邋遢了。这是怎么回事呢?1. It’s noon already. But Paul is still in bed. He is lazy, messy1 and naughty. 2. Paul messes up (弄乱了) the living room. Balloons ……
袋鼠小休上学去袋鼠小休第一天上学。德鲁太太是她的老师。小休上了美术课和手工课。一切对她来说都那么新鲜。要放学了,小休变得伤心起来。发生了什么事呢?1 Sue Kangaroo goes to school. The teacher’s name is Mrs Drew. “This is Sue,” says Mrs Drew. “Do be kind to her. She’s new.”2 ……
有时我会和别人分享故事简介:和弟弟分享的感觉真好!我们分享饼干和玩具。我们一起做游戏。但是有时候你不想分享,那会发生什么事呢?1 Sometimes I share. Sometimes I give my brother half of my cookie. Sometimes I let my brother play with my toys. Sometimes I let my ……
大红狗的旅行(下)大红狗Clifford克服了重重困难,终于找到了Emily一家野营的地方。幸亏他及时赶到,不然Emily就可能有危险啦。到底是怎么一回事呢?快看故事吧。(接上期……)1. We don't know Clifford is coming. I find some newplaymates— two baby bears. I am having so much fun. I ……
Strange tests in a new country擅长背公式和笔算的我竟然在第一次数学考试中遭遇滑铁卢,到底怎么回事呢?YOU may have heard this hundreds of times: "Chinese students are the most hardworking in the world." You may be wondering whether ……
编者按:有一天,大红狗Clifford看到了一个非常大的“飞盘”。他接住后,却大吃一惊,连Emily也觉得奇怪。到底是怎么回事呢?快看故事吧。1. Hi, I'm Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. Every school day, he takes me all the way to the school gate. Of course, dogs can ……
想成为宇航员可不是一件轻而易举的事呢。IF you have been dreaming of becoming an astronaut after you grow up, get started now! An astronaut needs a strong body and mind. See here what Shenzhou VI astronauts are able ……
故事简介:熊哥哥和熊妹妹一直能够和平共处:他们分享一个房间,轮流使用卫生间,一起坐校车上学……可是有一天,事情突然起了变化!到底发生了什么事呢?Get into a fight1. Most mornings, in Bear Country, the sun rose to greet the day. The bird sang its songs outside an upstairs ……