shredding的意思是“让人紧张到神经化成碎片”,非常形象,类似nerve-wracking。其他搭配例如get on someone’s nerves意思是“一直做一件让人感到厌烦的事情”;touch/hit ……
生动;irritate意思是“让某人不耐烦或感到厌烦”,特别指“一直做让他人很不爽的事情”。陈光标对于日本在钓鱼岛问题的态度非常生气,决心用广告宣传中国人民的立场。 ……
fed up (感到厌烦). Now they were wet (湿的)… and so was Colin.Have a goWhy did Colin get on Tom and Dad ……
foolish3. Tom and Dad did not see the pond4. They all fell in (跌落进). Tom and Dad were fed up (感到厌烦 ……
fed up (感到厌烦).“There’s something wrong with my dragon. Take a look,” said Liam. “Its legs just aren ……
:因单调或乏味而感到厌烦例句:Oscar dreams of bigger and better things, but is bored by his life of cleaning whales at the local whale wash. P8 (奥斯卡梦想事业有成,所以他对在当地洗鱼场洗鲸鱼的工作感到厌烦。)3.caution:警告,提醒例句:Jackson and others ……
to repeat the same things over and over again. Students who are good at studying oftenget bored(感到厌烦 ……
长时间面对枯燥的习题,有时候你也难免感到厌烦(feel fed up with)。适当放松可让你更持久地保持良好状态。 ……
长时间面对枯燥的习题,有时候你也难免感到厌烦(feel fed up with)。适当放松可让你更持久地保持良好状态。 ……
周末宅在家里, 你是否也感觉生活无聊、没有新鲜感? 英文里如何表达单调乏味、厌烦郁闷的心情呢?今天一起来看看吧!1. I’m bored to death.我觉得无聊死了。(Bore做动词时,有“使某人感到厌烦”的意思。Be bored to death 就是“烦得要命”, 还有一个类似说法是: I’m dying of boredom.)2. These meetings ……
in time也榜上有名,而一个简单的now即可表达出这5个单词组合的含义。同义反复也同样令人生厌。例如,I personally用I表达即可。办公室里的行话24/7(指7天24小时)也榜上有名。“我们对过份重复的东西感到厌烦 ……
a present on March 8.movementn. 运动He led a labor movement for years.be fed up with对……感到厌烦,厌倦We are fed up ……
. He went there because he was disgusted (感到厌烦) by modern civilization. Ironically (讽刺地是), some ……
with others and ready to blame them for something even if they’re not aware. 你很容易对他人感到厌烦,你倾向于把别人责备一通(blame sb...–April 19) You’ll be totally psyched on becoming more efficient in every aspect of your life. 你会为自己在各个方面都变得更加高效而感到 ……
a duck. I ran across my classmate Kate in a restaurant yesterday.Share your thoughts很多时候,我们认为父母的爱是理所当然,有时却又因为他们的一句唠叨而感到厌烦 ……