. Doyle studied at that university before. Like Holmes, Bell helped the police to solve cases (侦破 ……
侦破一桩画廊失窃案。A painting in a gallery was gone. The detective (侦探) was thinking about the case in the gallery.The break-in (闯入) must have happened between midnight and 1 am. We have found out ……
好在办公室里光着脚。)3. crack:侦破例句:Police officer Yao, played by Hong Kong actor Simon Yam (Ren Dahua), is appointed... the assasination case. P8 (姚警官(由香港演员任达华扮演)被派往协助张警督(由香港演员方中信扮演)侦破一起暗杀案件。)4. frown:表示不悦(或不赞同)例句 ……
Wong find and solve murders (侦破谋杀案). I can get scared sometimes when I read books. But I feel better... and solve murders (侦破谋杀案). I can get scared sometimes when I read books. But I feel better knowing ……
看我们如何侦破笔记本电脑丢失案。 WHENI walked toward my Forensic Science class, our teacher, Mr Keller, a humorous and easy-going man, was kneeling down (跪下) by the doorway and staring at the floor. “Everyone, don ……
Teens代言人Timo喜欢观察和思考。它帮周围的人解决了许多难题,是众人称赞的“小侦探”。一起来猜猜Timo是怎么破解谜团的吧!神秘日历是侦破案件的关键线索。RAY Whitcombe was found dead in his office at his desk. The police narrowed the suspects (嫌疑人) down to three people ……
1. capitalize (on):利用,从中获利例句:Sports-related companies are already capitalizing on that boom. P6 (与体育有关的公司已经在利用体育的繁荣,从中获利。)2. crack:侦破例句:He's the best at cracking any case in record time. P8 (他最擅长在最短时间里侦破 ……
大名鼎鼎的侦探内特悄悄地潜伏,试图揪出谁在半夜里偷走了垃圾筒里的食物。ATE the Great is a childdetective(侦探). The best one there is. In this story, Nate the Greatsolves(侦破) his first ever case at night.Nate the Great's neighbour ……
柯南又有新的案件需要侦破啦!字数 620 阅读时间 18分钟DO you watch cartoon movies to relax after a long day's schoolwork? If so, Detective Conan is surely one of the movies to see. Now the 11th movieJolly Roger in the Deep ……
criminal cases (侦破很多案件).深圳市南山区第二外国语学校 五(1)班 姚婉彤My favorite program is CCTV-10’s Champions 360 (《状元360 ……
新年跟随神探夏洛克一起侦破悬案。THERE are some fictional characters who are much bigger than the works they appear in and too important to belong to any one author or any one group of readers. Sherlock Holmes ……
《疯狂动物城》(Zootopia)是迪士尼电影公司出品的3D动画片,影片讲述了在一个所有动物和平共处的动物城市,兔子朱迪(Judy Hopps)通过自己努力奋斗完成自己儿时的梦想,成为动物警察的故事。电影中,为了证明自己,朱迪决心侦破一桩神秘案件。在追寻真相的路上,朱迪迫使在动物城里以坑蒙拐骗为生的狐狸尼克帮助自己,却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋,他们不得不联手合作,去揭 ……
《疯狂动物城》(Zootopia)讲述了兔子Judy通过不懈的努力实现儿时的梦想,成为第一个兔子警官的故事。为了证明自己,她决心侦破一桩神秘案件。在追寻真相的路上,Judy与狐狸Nick合作,最终揭开了隐藏在阴谋背后的真相。精彩回放场景一以下为Judy请求黑帮老大Mr Big帮忙查案时,发现自己曾经救过其女儿Lulu的对话。Lulu: She’s the bunny (兔子 ……
) are invited (邀请) by a Japanese detective to solve a murder mystery (侦破一起谋杀案). While they work... mystery (侦破一起谋杀案). While they work, another detective known as Q shows up. Q is a mysterious (神秘 ……
to be a pop star.他喜欢在宿舍神气十足地走来走去,扭腰摆臀,假装自己是个大明星。cold case线索中断的,未能侦破的悬案There was not sign of a forced ……