申家宁湖南省株洲市清水塘小学 五年级Boy: I抦 making a wish5. I want a new robot car. Dog: I抦 making a wish. ……
李学成山西省太原市五一路小学 三(3)班Dad: I feel as if my heart is in my throat (喉咙). Son: Yes, Dad. We抮e leaving the ground. ……
任瑞青上海市闸北区实验小学 三(3)班Panda: Who stole (偷) my bamboo? The bamboo is the birthday present from my mom. Thief, could you give me back my present? 叶浩元大连开发区红梅小学 六(3)班Panda: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to panda's music world. ……
喜欢猜谜吗?《有奖竞猜》将成为你展示才华的小舞台!答对了,你就能参加我们的幸运抽奖哦!请在9月24日之前将答案发送到 sunguanhua@i21st. cn, 赢取精美礼品!别忘了写清姓名和邮寄地址。总第471期答案:i (与“eye”发音相同). (Question: What letter is a part of the head? )优胜者:安徽省合肥市包河区 海顿学校7年级3班 吴成若. ……
作业训练的目的是发展学生的综合语言运用能力,但许多英语教师布置的作业随意性较强,作业形式单一乏味,不利于学生良好学习习惯的养成和创新能力的提高。英语作业应包括操练性的练习和探索性的自主实践活动。合理有效的作业设计可以引导学生在英语学习中“动起来”。所谓“动起来”不仅是让学生的各个器官动起来,更重要的是使学生的思维动起来。例如,笔者在教授上海远东出版社的英语教材七年级上册第二单元第四课Making A Model时,教学参考任务为:1. Complete a list of what the characters need for making a model house;2. Match the tools and materials with the descriptions;3. ……
Look at this building. It is made of (用……做的) chocolate. It‘s 6.6 meters tall. Just imagine (想象) eating a whole building! ……
BBCBBC植物远比你想象的更神奇!植物远比你想象的更神奇!Plants may be quiet but they are not still. They fight, defend and help each other.Plants may be quiet but they are not still. They fight, defend and help each other. ……
Can you imagine (想象) thousands of people hugging? 6,623 people got together for a group hug in Mexico (墨西哥) on 25 September 2005. ……
Imagination is more important than knowledge.– Albert Einstein (1879-1955, American scientist)*知识有限,想象力无穷。 ……
Everything you can imagine is real.– Pablo Picasso(1881-1973, Spanish Artist)想象即是一种真实。 ……
PROVIDED TO TEENSPROVIDED TO TEENS二二酸酸:课文比你想象的更有趣二二酸酸:课文比你想象的更有趣Erer Suansuan makes Chinese school texts more fun and informative with her video series.Erer Suansuan makes Chinese school texts more ……
PROVIDED TO TEENSPROVIDED TO TEENSB站Up主二二酸酸:课文比你想象的更有趣B站Up主二二酸酸:课文比你想象的更有趣Suansuan offers a new perspective as she reexamines classic Chinese literature. PAGE 3Suansuan offers a new perspective ……
XINHUA 科幻点燃对未来的想象科幻点燃对未来的想象Sci-fi motivates young people to imagine worlds of endless possibilities PAGE 4Sci-fi motivates young people to imagine worlds of endless possibilities ……
看看下面这幅趣图,尽情发挥你的想象力,猜猜它在想什么?What is the dog thinking about? Send your ideas to wang.jin@21stcentury.com.cn before March 11, 2010. ……
看看右边这幅图,尽情发挥你的想象力,猜猜他们在说些什么?What are they saying to each other? Please send your ideas to jidongmin@21stcentury.com.cn before Jan 3.Have a go! ……