近日,英国雷丁大学和美国哈佛大学的科学家们通过各自研究得出了相同结论:使用越频繁的词语,越不容易发生变化,更具稳定性。科学家们将这一研究成果发表于最新一期的《自然》杂志上。由于该结论与达尔文的“适者生存”理论相似,被形象地称之为“语言进化论”。哈佛大学的埃雷兹利伯曼教授对英语动词作了全面分析,根据其中177个动词时态变化规则的形成过程,建立起动词使用频率与其时态变化规则进程之间的数学联系,即如 ……
aboutevolution(进化论) for nearly two hours. Then he started again, and said: "Let me ask you a question ……
lecturer on evolution (进化论) had been going on for nearly two hours. When he stopped someone asked ……
up with his famous theory of evolution (进化论). That’s how Darwin’s Arch got its name... of evolution (进化论). That’s how Darwin’s Arch got its name. Unfortunately, on May 17, the top ……
;s ideas about evolution (进化论) shaped (影响) how scientists understand the natural world. His notebooks... Easter, X”, reported CNN.Darwin’s ideas about evolution (进化论) shaped (影响) how ……
要点提示 达尔文的进化论一直被认为是生物科学界的一大重要成就,它解释了物种的起源和发展,具有革命性的意义和价值。但并非所有人都对其表示认同,在美国,有将近三分之一的人不相信达尔文的进化论,反对进化论的声音响亮而持久。The theory of evolution is a splendid thing: an elegant and logical explanation of how ……
IN 1859, British scientist Charles Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species (物种起源), was published. It introduced the theory of evolution (进化论) to the world. Darwin got the idea to write the book when ……
may spend hours researching, understanding and writing an article on the theory of evolution (进化论... hours researching, understanding and writing an article on the theory of evolution (进化论). But ChatGPT ……
) including the latest hit "Evolution (进化论)". Many of their albums have sold over 100,000 copies ……
of Evolution (《进化论》) after visiting the islands.“I was interested in learning about the special animals ……
kinds of animal and plant life. Famous scientist Charles Darwin thought of the Theory of Evolution (《进化论 ……
进化论揭示物种演变的奥秘:物竞天择,适者生存。THE Victorian Period (维多利亚时代) in England (1837-1901) was when science really... are always changing, and that sometimes they evolve (进化) into different animals. These changes might ……
杰出中国女科学家张弥曼82岁成“国民女神”。Where did human beings come from? According to Darwin’s theory of evolution (进化论), land animals evolved from fish. But which fish? Chinese paleontologist (古生物学家) Zhang Miman ……
尔文写了另一本重要的书,但没提到书名,我们要想得出正确答案,必须依靠平时课内外阅读积累的科学及文化常识:达尔文是英国博物学家,进化论的奠基人,有两部影响巨大的著作The Origin of Species(《物种起源》),The Theory of Evolution《进化论》。The Theory of Relativity是爱因斯坦的《相对论》,The Old Man and the Sea是海 ……
, the scientist who gave us the theory of evolution (进化论). The Science Museum next door has exhibitions...) of Charles Darwin, the scientist who gave us the theory of evolution (进化论). The Science Museum next door ……