英国东南部小镇向快餐店说“不”。词数 131 建议阅读时间 2分钟PEOPLE in Essex, southeast England seem to have a problem with McDonald’s and its like. The local council (议会) believes that fast-food restaurants are a cause ……
观鲸之旅Hello! My name is Emily. I would like to tell you about my school field trip. We went whale watching. When I got on the boat, I found a snack bar (快餐店) on the second floor. I ate snacks. Then I ……
.(哪儿都行。可以去吃面。或者去快餐店也行啊!)Boy: Let's go to a fast food restaurant. (去快餐店吧。)2)Girl: What do you want...Do you like fast food or Chinese food better?饿了半天,肚子开始抗议了。想吃什么呢?面条?还是炒菜?嗯,还是快餐吧,经济又实惠。看见 ……
Percival Lugue and his collection of toys. XINHUAPercival Lugue and his collection of toys. XINHUA菲律宾男子收集了两万多个快餐店玩具!菲律宾男子收集了两万多个快餐店玩具!Ever since the age of 5, Filipino designer Percival Lugue has had ……
快餐店里的冰块竟然比厕所的水还要脏?!WHEN drinking coke in a fast food restaurant, do you add ice? You might beupset(不安的) to hear this: ice in some American fast food restaurants is dirtier than toilet water!Jasmine ……
“啃椅子的人”(chair eater),而是在商场或快餐店的椅子上一坐半天赖着不走的人。在英语中,人们常用“sticker”来形容那些粘糊着不走的客人,而“啃椅族”就是那些在椅子上粘粘糊糊不想走的人,因此可译为“chair sticker”。背景:“啃椅族”指在快餐店内为了享受空调等环境而买杯饮料一坐大半天的人,也就是指快餐店里的“长坐客”,尤以情侣、学生居多。让票区 ticket ……
Salad, no. Fries, yes!快餐店的菜单有什么小奥秘?SOME fast food restaurants offer salads along with their hamburgers and chips. Surprisingly, scientists say that it’s less healthy for people to eat that way ……
这家快餐店为何能吸引世界政要?词数 233 建议阅读时间 4分钟BARACK Obama visited it and paid in full before his presidential inauguration (就职典礼) in 2009. French president Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni dropped in when ……
1.ChinaPoisoned snacks南京投毒事件元凶落网POLICE have arrested (逮捕) a snack bar (快餐店) owner who admitted he had put rat poison into the food of his business rival (竞争者) on September 14. Some 38 people were ……
当你遭遇尴尬时,你会……你遇到过什么尴尬的事情呢?你又制造过什么尴尬吗?假如你遇到了下面的情况,你会怎样处理呢?1. 在快餐店,你不小心把菜汤洒到了衬衫上,你会…… A Call your mom to take you home.B Just put on your jacket to hide the dirty shirt. C 赶快蹲下,假装扭伤了你的脚。2. 老师提问“福建 ……
food chains in order to meet their living expenses. 许多人都有过在快餐店打份临时工来为挣点生活费的经历。dead-end job 没有 ……
daughter, Judy. Mr Brown took Paddington to the snack bar (快餐店). 4After a while, Mrs Brown arrived ……
味在美国有许多门店,那里的三明治既便宜又美味,也比其他快餐店的油炸食品更健康。提到赛百味的名字,因其选取的面包形状颇像潜水艇,因此以sub指submarine sandwich;way则是指点餐方式,顾客需按照先选择面包、再选择肉类、最后选择蔬菜和酱料的顺序进行一条龙式点餐,故这种三明治被命名为Subway。1965年,在美国康涅狄格州的布里奇波特,弗雷德·德卢卡(Fred Deluca)创办了第一家三明治快餐店 ……
on the website The Star.BONUS除了French fries,一般美式快餐店还会提供:hamburgers (汉堡), chicken wings (鸡翅) , mashed ……
Brown took Paddington to the snack bar (快餐店). 4 After a while, Mrs Brown arrived with Judy. Judy took ……